Things that make you go hmmmm

bp6570's Avatar
What is HSV?
I believe the poster meant HPV, but I'm just speculating. Either way, I don't think we're allowed to discuss it here, which has never made sense to me. Hopefully the alert on bp is not true, and it's just someone trying to mess with her reputation/business.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
The "P" and the "S" are no where near each other on a qwerty keyboard but they are on a cheap throw away phone.

Somebody just might have a beef with her and figured that might be a good way to bring down her business?
HSV stands for herpes simplex virus
malwoody's Avatar
The first thing I would question is the ad lists the posters age as 22..
If that is indeed true, I would gues that it is not written by a client but that is not fact, just my opinion. I think someone is either pissed or jealous but once again just IMO... It's why I don't care for unfounded rumors as they can hurt someones livelihood...

Hang in there Destiny and btw....

NICE PICS.......
^^^^ What malwoody said, Destiny. Take it at its source. It's a po'd kid looking to cause unwarranted harm. Hang in there.
HSV stands for herpes simplex virus Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs

I knew that...guess I just didn't have my thinking cap on all the way yet...I need more coffee! LOL
It's not that hard to pay 7 bucks and get an ad going do her a favor and flag it guys