What does this mean for eccie?

  • RyanM
  • 03-23-2018, 09:10 AM
H.R.1865 - Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017

This has shut down CL personals
This will eventually mean they will come after ECCIE but I think it’ll just result in the ad part being pulled down. Not sure if directly affects review or forums.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 03-23-2018, 12:31 PM
Ads will probably just get pulled or censored like Backpage did it
jillyclaire's Avatar
Everyone knew that Backpage was going to tank. With a majority of Republicans in Congress it was just a matter of time. I think it will be a little trickier to pull down Eccie and P411.

It’s kind of funny when you think about Trump signing off on this bill. He loves porn stars and providers. Lol
Yes we have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. That is an old age saying. I suggest and I have suggested this many times that providers take their money and save it as much as they can for Hard Times. The sex industry will always be around no matter which way you have to do it, but if you do it a little more discreetly then it should fly under the radar a little bit better and easier. Yes I don't know why Trump was so much for it and signed off on it but, cuz he is known for grabbing woman's you know what's lol

But like I said we just have to figure this thing and ride it out don't jump to any rash decisions and don't make any more stress on yourself than humanly necessary. Just be cool until it's not right to be cool.

Take it from Old School, it's kind of like knowing a hurricane is coming, you can't prevent it, but you can prepare for it.

Ladies is now time to stick together and share information no matter how little or big we think it is and how much it can affect people in this industry. We just need to figure out how we're going to deal with this. Now is the time to come together and not divide!! Anything I know I will be glad to share and I hope the ladies will do the same.

turbo-dog's Avatar
Difficult for a politician to vote no to stronger laws against sex trafficking. Even if he/she personally likes hobbying.
And you are right turbo-dog...
Shit I’m willing to bet half of them muthafuckas that voted for that pay for pussy also!
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
If I run for President, vote for me. I will sign an executive order to legalize sex work and turn the white house in to the best brothel in the world...mark my words, it will be the most biggest..greatest..most fantastical whore house in the world, all of it. It will be yuge and I'm gonna create jobs, crime will go away biggly. Make hooking great again!!! Grab her by the pussy for 300 an hour!
The Texas girls are taking this more seriously


Offering discounts for prescreening. Many are collecting contact info of providers both regulars and do to list

I got some screenshots of select profiles and reached out to some providers I havent met to get screened.
  • rfl
  • 03-24-2018, 05:50 AM
The trigger word is “human trafficking”. No lawmaker can vote against “human trafficking”.
There has to be something done about human trafficking of minors for sex work. However I am totally against cutting off the sex industry as a whole. There should be a way to where they can make it legal, and then that way everybody can be verified some sort of way to show they are of a certain age to be in the adult entertainment industry.

I am taking this very seriously but I am being cautiously optimistic and I'm not jumping to any conclusions or I'm not just going 2 throw in the towel just yet on business. Of course I just own myself I don't own an agency or I don't own a big website like ter and others like Cityvibe that have chosen to shut down but I can tell you I will be figuring something out in the near future to keep my business going forward. You have to have an open mind about this thing and you have to have a plan in place for when more website shut down. And that's the bottom line.

jillyclaire's Avatar
Texas girls? Lol! What do you mean exactly? I think we’re all concerned. I was texting with four local providers yesterday about what can be done. Where will we ultimately be able to post ads? Some of these girls are supporting young families with their earnings. We’re all waiting to see what the brilliant minds in Congress are going to do next.

As for BP, they got sloppy. They had a really good thing going for them and the providers who post there. It’s going to screw up a lot of lives when they finally gasp and die.
As far as Backpage goes, if they would have had better rules in place on how a woman could post, and not let them post all that nudity, and all of that eroticism in their postings then they might not be where they are today being left out in the cold. Some of the ads girls post there are so raunchy it makes me sick. Who would want to have all that out in the open??

Even on Eccie, I am vanilla with my posting and the way I dress in my pictures. I do this for a reason not because I don't like showing my body, but because I know that something like this can be very damaging to ones life in the real world.

Some ladies even post pictures that are so bad and raunchy that they get flagged and taken down on BP.

We'll have to wait and see what happens.

ck1942's Avatar
Interesting discussion above, and, whether BP was sloppy or not, it has been a favorite LE target years back when it was owned by the NY Village Voice alternate newspaper.

As for fighting "City Hall," Congress is now out of the game having passed the law(s) and soon the Courts will weigh in.

No telling how quickly, or if, states, counties and cities and individuals may try to test drive the powers apparently granted by the new federal laws, nor how quickly or soon those new laws will be challenged, but challenges are definitely coming by well funded entities.

There are a few months of "breathing space," since federal laws like these do not become effective until 2019.

Obviously, no sense in moaning and groaning, but definitely some sense in preparing for the new 'net era in sensible ways.

Putting together contact lists is one way to cope, adding hushmail or protonmail emails, backing up your files and reviews, and searching for relatively safe alternate marketing opportunities.

Candidly, I fear very few ladies are well prepared for any of the above.

Check the top two links in my signature for some added perspective and discussions elsewhere.

Happy Hobbying!