Ok guys yall have your hobby clothes on and are making an incall appointment at a hotel?/motel . assuming that the place is not an outwrite dump. Do you want to go thru a lobby then on to the room or would you prefer direct access to the room from the parking lot XOXO chelsea
go4it95's Avatar
Parking lot preferred
Now when you say "Hobby Clothes". Cause this is how I roll.

Lobby difinitely. LMAO
That is a good question.
If I am in a business suit, then it really doesn't matter to me.
If I am wearing a skimpy little something or something unique for role playing, then I prefer direct door access.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Exterior door...I always feel "observed" walking in or our of a hotel lobby. Never had any trouble either way just a feeling. Maybe its just "desk clerk itis"
parking lot. It feels way to obvious going thru the lobby. Its partly why i havent been seeing providers in motel/hotels.
Buck Fuddy's Avatar
I don't mind the lobby, if I know where the elevators are by having been there before. Hate to go past the front desk twice looking for the elevator. Other than that I figure I'm on camera either way and just try to look like I know what I'm doing.
travelling_man's Avatar
I prefer the lobby - much more safe. I don't like the door that opens direct to the outside. Generally those hotels are more "shady" and all the stories I've heard about getting jumped by a pimp have happened in those type of hotels. The more upscale, classy hotels are the ones that have an entrance into the lobby.
I like the hotels that require a room key to operate the elevator. Gives me the option of running away if I am not excited when the door opens.

Also one of my most memorable hobby moments was seeing one of my favorites for the first time. I was standing in front of the elevator door in the lobby and when it opened she was in a sexy black dress, fishnet stockings and FM pumps. I was drooling like Pavlov's dog all the way to the fifth floor.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Lobby access. That way, nobody knows where you're going. I would think it's better for the provider too because traffic is less visible to prying eyes.
  • zebra
  • 03-20-2010, 06:56 PM
I agree with Travelling_man, I prefer the lobby access opposed to an outside door.
The lobby access is fine by me.I agree with travelling man.I prefer to feel safe than worry about what a desk person may think.I always dress nice for the session anyway and don't feel out of place walking into nice hotels.
I always casually stroll to the elevator and don't think about someone possibly watching me.Hotel guests get visitors all the time so it is not unusual for people to be looking around for the elevators.Plus the nicer places have bars and restaurants available and many non-guests frequent them.
Parking lot hotels are much more obvious that something may be going on in a specific room with multiple cars parking outside and different men going in all day long.many of these type hotels have cameras outside and see as much if not more than the upscale places.
rex4998's Avatar
I blaze through the lobby like I own the fucking place and not like I'm there "looking for something"
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I blaze through the lobby like I own the fucking place and not like I'm there "looking for something" Originally Posted by rex4998
Randall Creed's Avatar
It depends on who I'm seeing. If she's not a well known provider, and is in a dive in a not so good part of town, my spidey senses are going insane. Granted, it's the typical scenario for some providers who are working their way up, but still scary. Seems like the BF/pimp/abettor is just lurking in the shadows.

Going through a fancy hotel lobby isn't always fun, either. The emptier the lobby is, the worse the feeling is when you can't immediately locate the elevator. Even if I'm initially wrong on my guess as to where the elevator is, I just keep going in that direction and take the stairs. I don't want the desk clerk getting too many looks at me, because combining it with any confusion on my part makes me an easily idenfiable suspect to call the cops on (yes, it's easy to call security on a 200lb black man who's looking confused in a lobby ).

Ladies, if my heart is pounding when you greet me with a hug at the door, the above scenario is probably why (that and I'm always a little nervous prior to a session, anyway).