Putting it in perspective

OldGrump's Avatar
With all the highly active threads, there is much information we can take or leave.

I have been surprised by the number of side groups that actually meet in person. I thought anonymity was a huge part of this hobby. Apparently, there are more than I thought who are either single or don't care. I don't even like hotels because of the risk of seeing someone I know. Much less go to a public gathering.

I have never been to a strip club and got my first ever (private) lap dance this week (thank you Selena). I can see the attraction but the club atmosphere isn't for me.

I do recall socials being posted on ASPD. I assumed they were just a way of getting to meet in person but the same risk of identity exposure existed.

One concern I have from other threads is when some categorize the ladies as "hookers" like it is a sub-human species. It is a chosen profession that can supplement an income or provide a nice one, depending on a lady's business skills and performance. Their performance is published by clients in the review section. Their livelihood depends on it so it is not unusual to see rebuttals (from the lady and her satisfied clients) even if not particularly well presented.

I am not so naive to think the ladies would be attracted to me if passing in public. Nor do I think they would ever consider having sex with me just for the fun of it. However, I like to think I am a decent enough guy that spending time with me is not an unpleasant experience - maybe even fun, if not that - interesting.

To say it is solely for the money seems harsh. If their acting skills were that good, they'd show up at their in-call in a limo with a chauffeur and paparazzi in tow and hiding in the bushes. Yes, I'm saying that they have feelings and can participate in a mutually enjoyable encounter fully clad.

If any of those I've seen lived nearby, I'm positive they would not be sneaking over for sex but I'm also just as sure that we could be friends and enjoy visits and burgers. If their computer needed to be fixed, I'd help if I had time. If I was getting paid, I'd make time. Is that so different or bad?

So guys, the next time someone posts a different point of view following a review, think about it before accusing them of being a "White Knight". The same would apply to overly challenging an honest opinion. We need accurate information to make informed decisions.

And if a guy comments on enjoying a lady's PM's, don't be so quick to remind him it is "just for the money". Sometimes it is just good business to keep in touch with your clients (you must know that or you'd have no hobby funds) and others it is just to share a tidbit of information to break the day.
Chung Tran's Avatar
we do need perspective OG... I think the recent rash of threads-gone-ugly has some posters overreacting at times. I fell like you do, that the hobby should be under-the-radar, and we should understand that this is play-for-play, but that doesn't mean each encounter must be cold. Most of us have been around long enough, that we can usually tell if that warm feedback we get from a provider is real or not... we don't need posters to help us make up our minds.

on the WK issue, I only suspect one may be a WK, if he is over-the-top in defending his provider of choice. when a guy writes a simple review that lists positive activities, but says the provider lacked a spark or hint of passion... that incites several to post that the review is fiction, could not have happened, didn't happen with me, etc?... my radar naturally goes up when I see such an over-the-top reaction... otherwise, yes, we shouldn't just throw that term around, like name-calling on a third-grade playground
I hate to say this out loud, but I've always been an asshole. You know what I could use a LOT less of? Fucking how-to tips, PC behavior suggestions, psuedo-psychology, psychobabble...in essence the whole Hints from Heloise/Miss Manners bullshit. No offense. But this is the internet. A good number of people using it have a substandard social skill set OR, since there are no real boundaries or consequences for virtual behavior, a large section of the virtual populace just doesn't care how they behave and "virtually" act out.

I used the analogy the other day about teaching a pig to sing. You shouldn't bother. It only wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Them as know how to behave, take a shower, not fart or are self monitoring know, them as don't likely can't be, or don't want to be, taught.

All of us old farts bemoaning the missing manners and young guys and noobs reinventing the wheel and acting like it's "new", refried race/hygeine/manners/WK/nutcase threads, what a fucking waste of bandwidth. Lets talk about poosey for a change, not posse.

It is what is, so let it be what it is. Everything has an off switch. If it's not for "you", ignore it.

Like I shoulda done here!
Hey Phil, with a stress level that high, you need to go get some. I'm gonna go get some right now myself. Have a nice day. Don't just talk about pussy Phil, get some.
OldGrump's Avatar
phildo, I hear ya. I've also been called an "asshole" and worse. I settled on "grump" to soften it with age.

I'm not telling anyone how to behave. Hell, my kids didn't and they depended on me for a living so why should some anonymous unknown who can remain so?

As for newbies, I respect any poster's opinions unless they express one that I find ignorant and there are plenty of those. This isn't a union shop where seniority has leverage. We are all adults and none of us are new to putting our dicks where it feels good. So, like reviews, I judge each post by its merits and not longevity on the board.

Actually, I started this thread hoping to tone down some of the frayed nerves and add sanity but seem to have had the opposite effect. Oh well, the asshole in me can't bother caring. I tried.
I have no frayed nerves myself. This is the internet. Which is almost weightless in my consciousness, because it is vapor. I, like OG, could probably do with a dose of some sanity or inoffensive behavior. But if I really need that I can watch Nick Jr, not hang out on a hooker board. However....

Sharing is caring!

Which means I'll believe Tony is getting some when he starts writing reviews instead of second hand how to act with a hooker manuals, or one of his ATF's WK's for him. Until then it's all a fantasy, right?
OldGrump's Avatar
Maybe we can drag him kicking and screaming into the review arena. He does write well & probably would generate some good reviews. I do like his enthusiasm.
Grump, I get it, and I agree with you.

I read you here as a guy who's seen some things, learned things, knows things. You've probably got life simplified to a place where things run smoothly most of the time. You've got a kind of top-down perspective, and I agree.

But let's not forget, times have changed, people's priorities have changed, how people go about things have changed. This in-group is more eclectic than most, since what brings us together is (the fantasy of) sex, and there's hardly anything more universal than that. It's going to bring together all types, from all ages and backgrounds. I feel you man, but there's not much to do about it. Thanks for the sanity check.

Phil, I think there are all types. We have posers, wannabes, and the real professionals - whether we're talking about lawyers or therapists. I wish the new folks could utilize the search function to find the quality threads which have already been explored about every topic, but you know that's not happening. We have to have the new threads, so the being-social-interaction-itch gets scratched.

Everyone wants their "behind the keyboard" moments of (supposed) glory. When the repetition bugs me, I just vaca.

Fair skies...
OldGrump's Avatar
LoveNHorny, you read me right. I'm old, conservative, and a little settled in many of my ways. I do wish things ran smoother, but sanding the bumps is what life is all about. My on-line persona is pretty much me. I don't pretend to be something I'm not and I may be more sensitive about things than I should be.. But I've always been that way so I don't think it is going to change anytime soon.

I don't resist change, I HATE Windows 8, have accepted tattoos (but won't get any), and rooted my Android phone (no, that is not an anal procedure). But I do not believe change for the sake of change is good (look at Windows 8 again. I can't wait for the 8.1 "fix").

There are a lot of good men and women on this board and I enjoy reading their posts. There are some I skip, but I have found no one that deserved to be blocked.

Cleatus's Avatar
Wow... Really... It's funny when stressed out people say they aren't stressed out cause ya know they are stressing more just saying that... Everyone just calm down let's just embrace the words of the immortal Jules Winnfield. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv3AY1z...%3DLv3AY1zTzaE
Well I had a nice afternoon with a great lady and now I'm watching my son play football. After seeing how men treat the ladies here and how they act towards each other, the chances of me ever writing a review go down each day.

And I'm not here to amass reviews or notch my pussy belt, but rest assured I get my share.

Yes I do write in complete thoughts and sentences. It's also a big part.of my real job. If I did this on a real.keyboard and not a phone, a few of you would have heart attacks. I can be a wordy SOB and I have a great memory.

If any wants to share beers offline, I'm game.

Anyone that thinks they are just hookers.and this is just a hookers board is in denial. Regardless of the awkwardness if the arrangement, many of them are ladies with goals, dreams and feelings. You don't have to take my word for it though.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Anyone that thinks they are just hookers.and this is just a hookers board is in denial. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Spoken like a true lady err gentleman.

Yah greedy I love being acused of being a lady because I write in complete sentences, think for myself, and don't play nicely with jerks. It's actually sort of a back handed compliment. If I were a shill, don't you think my account would've been banned by now?

I have bad news for you, illiteracy is not a male trait. It's a trait for morons though, male or female. So being literate is also not a trait related to sex. But being able to pen nice notes is often received favorably by the opposite sex.

Like I said, if I actually sat at a real keyboard and put effort into this many of you coprophaggus necrophiles would die of heart attacks.

Go read something, anything, because barking up this "tony is a woman" tree is making you look like a fucking retard to a bunch of hookers that have met tony. But hey if you love having hookers laugh at you, fine by me. And yes, they do read this shit more than you know.....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Uhhhhh, what is the point of the original post? I'm not trying to bash or anything. Just trying to figure out why I'm reading this.

As far as SC's. Stay the fuck out of them (not demanding, but suggesting...with emphasis). They're a complete waste of money. I stopped 'paying for fantasy' several years ago. When there are REAL women to fuck, as in P4P, strip clubs are like sport hobbying. Kinda like hunting with only 2-3 bullets. If you're REALLY good, you're going to get something. If not, you're going home with blue balls while she tells you that 'she's not a hooker' and 'it's just a fantasy'. WHY GIVE THEM MONEY FOR NOTHING? But, to each his own.

Well, umm, I don't particularly use the term myself, but in the hardcore definition of the word, they ARE hookers. I mean, the internet makes it cute and all, but ummmm, what other ways are there to go about this? I love these girls as people, but ummm, I can't get any free pussy no matter how well I treat them. I don't say that to be harsh, but simply stating the facts. And in THEIR defense, they can't give it away habitually. It'd be like a tire shop giving away half its tires. You're going to get a lot of business that wants freebies, which defeats the purpose of being a business. I get it.

I agree with keeping in touch with some clients. Me, the hobby kinda affects me like commercials. I've had girls literally text me SECONDS after I've ridden into town, as if they saw me driving by, texting me asking what I was doing. Needless to say, an appointment ended up happening. I see a Pepsi commercial and now I want a Pepsi. That said, some of these girls ONLY see you as a one hour paycheck, and want you gone the minute you start to soften. Reaction to keeping it close to the john/hooker line becomes habit-forming. Ladies and guys in this business may not be used to being so hospitable with each other, for a few reasons. One being risk of loss discretion. Another being you don't know who's a weirdo and may go rogue on you. Another reason is some girls think they're supposed to be 'available to make money' 24/7 (even though they are all 'low volume') and don't have time to be anything other than that 'H' word.

Just saying.
Rambro, true story: today I saw a lady. We had some fun, then we talked. I gave her a backrub. I took off my watch and shit so I wouldn't scratch her. I went to get my watch and she said she didn't care. I could and would love to still be in her arms just talking, but I had to get to my sons football game.

Yes there are rules and expectations, but none of that shit is written in stone anywhere. She literally told me she had no other appointments and I was free to stay as long as I like. Why? I listened. That's it. PFM, right? Not really.

Most of the time I find I have to excuse myself. And its not because I'm a stud or would I claim to be one. Being polite almost always pays off.

And no, I will not write a review about it ever.