The Foundation, Haiti, and Pedophile Island - The End

The end of the Clintons is finally upon us. Thank god. The people saw the completely untenable activities of these horrid people.

The foundation - only as a means to finance their political / personal positions.

Haiti - the unbelievable cruelty foisted upon the poorest people in the western hemisphere.

Pedophile Island - Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island visited by WJC 26-28 times and HRC 6 tiems. The word got out on them.

The end and good riddance.
What's wrong with pedophile island? Bill, hillary and assup are always welcome.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They all can live in exile on Pedophile Island.
gfejunkie's Avatar
They all can live in exile on Pedophile Island. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Or Leavenworth.
I wonder who is now lining up to give ole Bill or The Hilldabeast $$250,000 for a 15 minute speech?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The end of the Clintons is finally upon us. Thank god. The people saw the completely untenable activities of these horrid people.

The foundation - only as a means to finance their political / personal positions.

Haiti - the unbelievable cruelty foisted upon the poorest people in the western hemisphere.

Pedophile Island - Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island visited by WJC 26-28 times and HRC 6 tiems. The word got out on them.

The end and good riddance. Originally Posted by johnjay
"The Fix" was in 8 years ago when the Clintons conceded to Odumbo's nomination in 2008, but the 'commoners', who the political elite so despise, were not on-board with that backroom deal.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What's wrong with pedophile island? Bill, hillary and assup are always welcome. Originally Posted by Jeff Epstein
why do you have that name?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I understand that they're hard at work trying to clone Hillary so she can transfer her brain (Abbie Normal) into it.