First off, hello to everyone. I've enjoyed the hobby since the late 80's and have happily seen it evolve to sites like this. I was a member of ASPD, and was part of the silent majority...who appreciate both the humor and knowlege of the local branch. (member of ASPD for over 2 years.)

This really isn't meant to be a intro, but to give u some background, I have been lucky enough to enjoy the exclusive company of my ATF for just over 7 years. What a ride it was, and I'll enjoy the memories for years to come.

However, to make long story short, she developed a relationship wiith someone over last half of '09 that ultimately ended our friendship.

So as I re-enter the hobby, I am so glad to have sites such as this to tap into. My problem is I am a hobbyist with a very generous budget, happily retired at 50 and am time is on my side.

However I neither have a job reference nor a provider reference. Sure I could join 411...but will that solve anything without the required references.

I have lived at the same O.P. address for over 15 years, and am listed in the white pages.

I look forward to establishing on-going ties with both independents as well as top notch agencies such as EF but seemilngly can not get my foot in the door.

So I have both the guys and the gals on this site for those of you who THANKS!
Omahan's Avatar
Some girls will see you. There are other ways to screen besides references and place of employment. I don't know what they are - maybe a landline or something. Just contact ladies until you find one who understands alternative screening methods.
Thanks Omahan for ur thoughts...yea i have a landline. Definitely plan on continuing my contacts. Its frustrating, but I totally understand the reasons. Guess one of these days I'll finally get into the inner circle and smile about my frustrations now.

Just been a bummer for now, )
SFviii's Avatar
Contact Brook of Enticing Flavors by phone. You can also fill out their booking form for extra corespondense. Their site is back up and Brook is friendly and helpful. Once you're an establish client of theirs, ask for their asssitance in being a reference when you're trying to become a member on P411. They are also members of P411. Good luck!

Happy hobbying...