What HAVENT black people ruined?

Her Peas's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
http://gulfcoastcommentary.blogspot....le-ruined.html Originally Posted by Her Peas

well unfortunately, that is true.

the dregs of the black population pull down the upper ranks of the black population down.

you see alot of this in africa and else where.

there used to be thriving rich empires in mid to lower africa (not many tho). who brought them down... stupid jealous blacks bent on warfare.
matchingmole's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
BBQ Originally Posted by matchingmole

barbeque? hmm.. I guess they are tasty...
HedonistForever's Avatar
While all of the statistics on crime are true, I do not agree with the idea that Blacks are inherently inferior to Whites. We have some pretty dumb White people in this world. I believe any healthy child of any color, is equally capable of learning given the same environment.

I believe that the biggest impediment to learning are, equal opportunity to learn, equal classroom experience, equal parental support and equal opportunity to apply that equal learning experience to a job.

In the days of slavery in this country, Whites thought that Blacks were incapable of learning to read simply because of the color of their skin. No intelligent person can possibly believe that given the evidence that we now have. Skin color does not determine the ability to learn, period.

Having said that, much like Palestinians who have been discriminated against, are their own worst enemy. Same is true for Blacks or people of any color for that matter. Again, it has nothing to do with color but of "environment". What chance does a Palestinian youth have trying to combat the influence of Hamas in their neighborhood? I'm using the Palestinians as an example to make the argument that it isn't necessarily about color or religion.

Same is true for a young Black male growing up in a gang infested neighborhood wanting nothing to do with the gangs.

Now is all this the fault of White people? I completely reject that and the fact that "we ain't no snitches" speaks to this more than anything else. The only thing that can help Blacks and Palestinians conquer the violence and hate they grow up with, is in their hands to fix. As tough and simplistic as that is to say, it is the truth. Until Blacks find a way to get past their history of slavery, oppression and discrimination, all very real things, nothing will change for them. It's in their hands to fix and "I ain't no snitch" simply isn't going to cut it.

It's not simple, it probably will not change in my life time and may never change for that matter but it is not for White people to fix. The White majority in my lifetime have passed laws that make institutional racism a crime. Does it still exist? Yes it does but the means to start wiping it out completely, exists.

Just turn on CNN or MSNBC if you think that Blacks don't have a voice in this country but a voice no matter how loud does nothing to overcome the will of people to make the changes necessarily to fulfill MLK's dream that one day, color simply will not matter in America.
bambino's Avatar
BBQ Originally Posted by matchingmole
Blues music.
We have some pretty dumb White people in this world. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Damn right - look at all the white liberals!
Clay Media's Avatar
I do not agree with the idea that Blacks are inherently inferior to Whites.
Then explain to me why Africa is the way it is. Explain to me why black enclaves all over the world are nothing but squalor and crime.

The hard truth is that they just arent capable of organization and impulse control. If they had better impulse control, higher intelligence and more organization skills, Africa would be a first world continent. They are at an evolutionary standstill. If it wasnt for white colonizers, they would still be swinging from trees, running around naked and living in huts, and making human sacrifices.