Upload problems

txlonghornfan811's Avatar
There seems to be a number of users reporting that uploading images for ads and avatars are both broken at the moment.
nephilim6mg's Avatar
I'm having a hard time even replying.
txlonghornfan811's Avatar
Seems they fixed it with a reset. Thanks as always mods
Mine is still slow. It takes approximately 1 minute 50 seconds to get something to come up. I am a little more productive at work.
They haven't fixed anything.
We are currently experiencing some technical issues but they should all be resolved shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing and your patience while this gets gets worked out is appreciated.
I click on browse showcases and then use the back button to get it to come up. Then it is fast to get to where you want to go.
Mine upload, but don't let me save.

edited... lol... here it is.
Mine is now working fine.