Petition the EU Porn Ban

exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
The sex negative feminists say that sex tourism and porn are so degrading to women that the EU will vote Tuesday to ban porn across Europe even over the internet.

IF the EU bans it, they may push for a UN initiative and of course Obama will join in, the world may be porn free. I can see it now, pretty much all of you would be considered sex criminals by 2025 or so, including me. I would probably fap to porn, the PC police would get me and BOOM! Jail time and i'm on the registry.

It takes a minute and I need 87 signatures to get this to parliament before the vote. I mean really, the population of this site is enormous, surely you can sign with me.

Go here, it takes maybe a minute tops and maybe even 30 seconds. PLEASE sign it.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I don't see how you guys don't think this will effect you. This is promoting some seriously bad sex negative social engineering.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I signed it. Piss on the puritans, I wish the Mayflower had sank mid ocean.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Sad thing is, they seem to outnumber us by the thousands to one. Thanks for signing.