Today's Lesson for Providers/Hobbiest ** PLEASE READ **

There was a thread started a little while back
This is the Link

So this begins my lesson for the day.



I had a member of eccie make that post ( No Phone or Puter ) to look out for all you hobbiest. I had just posted and was afraid that he may get a girl to answer my phone pretending to be me. ( and possably rob ) or ruin my name as she would not be me.

But instead of appreciation for looking out I have had my name ruined which i take great pride in. If you have nothing at all you always have your name.

Now anyone who knows me or met me knows that I am a strong person and am pretty strong willed. I am by know means weak and take pride in doing FOR MYSELF.

Let me make this very clear to all. I DO NOT NOR HAVE I EVER HAD A F***ING PIMP. Should there come a time that I could not make it in the provider/hobby world, trust that i would not get a pimp. This little white girl is educated and has personal morals and values and self worth. I could easily obtain a good job like the one I left when I started this. I was working mon-fri 8-5 at 15 and hr. sittin on my ass.

I have never understood why women have pimps and that is there choice.;

but i do know that i am too strong willed to have one. I advertise the pussy, I clean the pussy, i keep it std free, i work it. A man should get all my money for ME doing this. So that he can tell me what I can and cannot have. He buys himself a car and shit.

WTF. (NOT) i wish i would.

Now some would say it is for protection ( I have had this argument with many ) Now let me ask this. I am on a date and he harms me in some way. Does the pimp know this? No he is not there. So after the harm is already done he will go and ruff the perswon up. Right? I say this ** I can leave and go back to the date and ruff his ass up just the same.

I hope this has cleared things up for you guys.
BaldGuy82's Avatar
Wow... That was well put! I have yet to see you but I think I might soon! Keep that feisty attitude!
dearhunter's Avatar
I am weak......the hooktard force is strong with this one.......and she makes it so easy.....but, I will try for a little longer.
TexasGator's Avatar
.....that's why the original deerhunter got pissed and went MIA when that Fuckin' Prophet imposter came along and ruined his "name."
.....that's why the original deerhunter got pissed and went MIA when that Fuckin' Prophet imposter came along and ruined his "name." Originally Posted by TexasGator
There is nothing worse than an "imposter!" They oughta be illegal!
dearhunter's Avatar
Does Brooke Wild know something we don't?
Wakeup's Avatar
She knows the location of every Subway in the metroplex...
Sarunga's Avatar
.....that's why the original deerhunter got pissed and went MIA when that Fuckin' Prophet imposter came along and ruined his "name." Originally Posted by TexasGator
Aha....I knew it. And he keeps prophesizing that others should retire their handles when the going gets....supposedly...."tough".

OK....the first time I've ever used it....what a pussy.
boardman's Avatar
I heard that the OP was NCA...ijs
dearhunter's Avatar
Unlike krissy, I am not tied to a handle.......when "deerhunter" did not work for me, I reinvented myself as "dearhunter"......I used smoke and mirrors to befuddle the hooker board time I am going to come back as "God"........sarunga should come back as horsefly.......then, he can be my favorite.
Wakeup's Avatar
If you're coming back as God, I'm coming back as Tim Tebow...
pyramider's Avatar
You should come back as an anal probe.
dearhunter's Avatar
Even Wakeup believes in me........maybe we should believe in krissy.........the Subway Alert not withstanding.........heh.
TexasGator's Avatar
No derailing intended, but we've got us an "over" in the Orange Bowl. Much like hooktard/fucktard retirements. Finally!

But lest ye forget, only one of us may be God. Embrace the privilege, Fuckin' Prophet! Rejoice in the Tebow, Bishop Freeman Grammatica! But don't ever forget the "God" title is reserved for the mods. And carkido. And Tbonetas. And jack flash. And...
proper's Avatar
if carkido is God then WU is blasphemous.