Cronicle article:Twins born at rate now of 1 in 30!

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Article linked from a quick google search: Number of twins in U.S. skyrockets

It was 1 in 53 back in 1980. But 1 in 30 today is way more frequently than I would ever have guessed. Think about it, that's like on in every school classroom. Has to bode well for future hobbyists.

Of course this always brings up the issue of (active) twin providers. Are there any? Searching for "twins" brings up too many posts about women's breasts(es). I see sometimes twins in porn and I'm a little surprised there are not more.

I'm guessing that almost every guy has twins on a bucket list somewhere. It combines two taboos: doubles and incest. Of course normally incest is between opposite genders. Similar to women who like other women, but sleep primarily with men are not considered gay or lesbian. Of course there is the double standard with men, topic of a whole other discussion.

So, Twins! Twins! What ya think about 'em? On your bucket list? Any around?