In Praise of the Verification Process

OriginalLHB's Avatar
This is my first post here, and while I haven't yet completed it, I can't think of anything that could better mimic a serious GFE (as they used to exist in the "real world" that I am from) than the current online customer verification process.

Back in the day, at a certain major university in the Rocky Mountain Region, among certain elite sororities, all was placid, well, and pure as the driven snow to all outward appearances. The girls were made of "unobtainium," even if you were a member of one of the elite local fraternities, unless....

One had to have at least 5 "formal" references from among the female members of three select sororities. One could only accumulate such references "experientially," if you know what I mean. One had to prove that one was not only not a dangerous jerk, but also that one was at least a decent lover. Then, one had to receive the imprimatur of a girl who was at least a senior in the undergraduate credit system, and an officer at of one of the top three sororities at the university in question.

In short, you could not buy your way onto the second floor of any such sororities without extensive, positive experiences that were generally "reported" through the grapevine, and confirmed by a girl who knew how to spot a scam from amongst the cream of the male crop.

There was no LE involved, it was simply a sifting mechanism to get rid of the losers for the sake of the well being of less experienced underclassmen, for whom a GBE was generally understood to be no more than some guy who didn't throw up on them after once again having had too much to drink.

After that, the Gates of Heaven were opened, so to speak, and bliss was freely available on an ongoing basis as long as one didn't mess up. So this is just an easier version of the "same old" that I am familiar with from back in the good old days. Anything easier would be too easy, and would defeat the whole purpose.

Anything worth having is worth working for, and if you don't have to work for it, it's probably not worth having. I just hope I can still merit five positive references.

It's been awhile.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
WOW, that was a cumbersome read!
pyramider's Avatar
Let me get this correct . . . The OP has compared the screening processes within the hobby to references from Greek Row?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Let me get this correct . . . The OP has compared the screening processes within the hobby to references from Greek Row? Originally Posted by pyramider
London Rayne's Avatar
Greek Row...classic!
OriginalLHB's Avatar
Let me get this correct . . . The OP has compared the screening processes within the hobby to references from Greek Row? Originally Posted by pyramider
Yup, except nobody but a "get off my lawn" 73 year old would have called it "Greek Row" (is that from some 1950s movie, or what?), everything was BBFS all the time, and the female reference providers were much more brutal.

Other than that, same as it ever was.