R.I.P Andrew Breitbart

collegegirlforyou's Avatar
Today we lost a very special soul. He will be missed. God bless him and his family. I hope that his life has and will inspire others to follow in his foot steps.
.....and he was so young and one of the most talented men in his field

CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I saw news of his death earlier today and I was just shocked. So young. Poor guy. His family must be devastated. I hate it when we lose cool people like Andrew Breitbart.
  • Laz
  • 03-01-2012, 02:34 PM
Surprising and sad news. I enjoyed his exposing the hypocrites. Hopefully others will carry on his legacy.
rjdiner's Avatar
Well Karma is a bitch isn't it. Breitbart tweeted "rest in Chappaquiddick" upon the death of Edward Kennedy.
While I feel sorry for his wife and kids, I have more sympathy for a dog run down on the freeway.
rex-man's Avatar
His skills were a direct line of defense for this great nation. We owe him a debt of gratitude and keep his dear family in our prayers. My only hope is that his team has the ability to continue his service for many years. May GOD Bless his memory . . .
desertrat62's Avatar
A fearless truth-teller-to-power. What a loss for us all. His loudest critics should be grateful for the integrity he forced upon them through scrutiny. Prayers for his family.
rjdiner's Avatar
A fearless truth-teller-to-power. What a loss for us all. His loudest critics should be grateful for the integrity he forced upon them through scrutiny. Prayers for his family. Originally Posted by desertrat62
Are you talking about the truth he told about Shirley Sherrod?

He was a sick, unhappy man who would do or say anything to advance his own agenda. If there is a hell, he has his own special spot.
desertrat62's Avatar
Stay classy, RJ.
collegegirlforyou's Avatar
There is a certain level of civility that most try to maintain while making a point. Brietbart at times attacked the left with the same level of civility that they gave to those on the right....and yes don't pretend like the left are perfect little well behaved angels, but the point must be brought up....

If a critic of Breitbart's attacks him for his level of repulsion for the other side and his lack of political correctness where is the righteousness in saying:

"He was a sick, unhappy man who would do or say anything to advance his own agenda. If there is a hell, he has his own special spot."

"Well Karma is a bitch isn't it. Breitbart tweeted "rest in Chappaquiddick" upon the death of Edward Kennedy. While I feel sorry for his wife and kids, I have more sympathy for a dog run down on the freeway."

By the very admission of criticism of Brietbart's tactics you disapprove of such rhetoric but yet use the very same manner in criticizing the man.

Again this is just an observation. Maybe Brietbart's passing have yet shown more hypocrisy from those on the other side or maybe you have plenty of excuses for attacking a man for attacking people the way you attack him....?

But regardless your nonsense,
God bless you Andrew,
You are in my heart and you have inspired so many.
rjdiner's Avatar
Then I must be a "special soul." I'm glad you think so highly of me. By embracing his style and renouncing mine it's easy to see who's the hypocrit?

There is a certain level of civility that most try to maintain while making a point. Brietbart at times attacked the left with the same level of civility that they gave to those on the right....and yes don't pretend like the left are perfect little well behaved angels, but the point must be brought up....

If a critic of Breitbart's attacks him for his level of repulsion for the other side and his lack of political correctness where is the righteousness in saying:

"He was a sick, unhappy man who would do or say anything to advance his own agenda. If there is a hell, he has his own special spot."

"Well Karma is a bitch isn't it. Breitbart tweeted "rest in Chappaquiddick" upon the death of Edward Kennedy. While I feel sorry for his wife and kids, I have more sympathy for a dog run down on the freeway."

By the very admission of criticism of Brietbart's tactics you disapprove of such rhetoric but yet use the very same manner in criticizing the man.

Again this is just an observation. Maybe Brietbart's passing have yet shown more hypocrisy from those on the other side or maybe you have plenty of excuses for attacking a man for attacking people the way you attack him....?

But regardless your nonsense,
God bless you Andrew,
You are in my heart and you have inspired so many. Originally Posted by collegegirlforyou
Marcus78's Avatar
I read RJ's rebuttal to CG's post around 8 times now, and I'm not sure what he's trying to say. My mind is fried from writing that horrific 30-page paper today! Would someone please clarify for me? I'll give it another read in the morning and maybe it'll make more sense then.
Precious_b's Avatar
Though I got a laugh in his part of "The Weiner" affair and his ACORN exposure, I personally can't respect the guy for the Shirley Sherrod video that was taken out of context with his knowledge. It showed that alot of people don't really check their facts. I don't think that was the reason why he did it. But his motive for doing so turned me off of him, whatever they were.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I was shocked as well, I'm still kinda stunned by it. I hope his family is comforted during this sad time and may he rest in peace. You have to give the guy credit whether you love him or hated him, he knew how to get his point across and he spoke it loudly.
GQ Romantic's Avatar
After reading several of the comments by many well respected folks, I had to add my view on this as well. This makes me think of the age old saying never discuss politics or religion at work or a party. I guess the same may go here, but what the heck.
I for one do not share Collegegirlforyou’s views or love for this man at all, but I respect her feelings the same. The main reason I don’t share her view is because despite the crazy rehetoric on both (the right and the left sides at times) , this man (as with Limbaugh) on many occassions crossed the line. CG4U, I don't buy your argument at all, but it's your’s to have and I respect it as I stated prior. Lets remember one thing, we all have a right to our opinions, but to our own facts. Let me ask you; Why do we not call these people or anyone for that matter, what they are or represented in life or death?
With all the evil that this man has done (or anyone) or fostered out of hate and lies (which if you do the research is factual) deserves what comes his/her way. Some may say, George Wallace and Breibart are one of the same, plagues on humanity and let's not ever forget that. Lets not forget this fact, this is the same man who relished in the racism in the tea party movement and as Rjdiner referrenced to facts regarding the Shirley Sherrod incident and his comments after the death of Ted Kennedy are just a few of many tasteless acts he was the author of.
· Some may even look at this as an errie case of "what goes around comes around. Remember Lee Atwater was responsible for the unequivocally dishonest and racist Willie Horton commercial in 1988 that "took down" Michael Dukakis as the Democratic Presidential candidate.
Mr Atwater died at age 39 of brain cancer.

At the end of the day, I say this; at 43 you have to feel for his family as a human being, lets keep that in mind and at the same time never forget our principles even when discussing people that had obvisoulsy none.</SPAN>
In closing, I for for one can understand why some may miss him and some will not miss him. As for me and my priciples and educating myself on the facts and not just emotions or political affliations, after the ugliness and hatred he has spread, I say this is not much of a loss to anyone but his family, but who am I for God will judge him now. But I will say this I will not miss him one bit!