OMG - Talk about a bad session...

I am speechless:

If this doesn't warn hobbyists to stay away from hookers with recreational chemistry issue, nothing ever will.

You know, I bet she would still have WKs because she is only $100 an hour.
addict's Avatar
Hindsight is 20/20, but if I saw a girl take a bite out of a dildo, she ain't getting anywhere near my junk.
Holy shit. I mean WALDT and all that, but the bitch be UGLY an shit to start with, why even let your junk wander in to the same junk yard as that crazyness? Dude should have spotted crazy fugly nutter on first intel...I mean have some fucking standards, dude, jeez....
er48665's Avatar
Just came back from the hospital, they told me my dick is going to be okay but the stitches are going to take 6 months to heal. I thought when she told me she wanted to bite my dick off, she was talking dirty. I guess she was hungry for some dick.

But really though, that guy should have never had his dick anywhere near her. She Fugly.
sovanna's Avatar
Omg that's scary. Smh.
OMFG!!! That bitch looks like a cannibal for sure! Why else would she do that shit? Fuck...that is enough to put a scare in me. Just the thought....ouch!!!
Omg wtf!!!-crazy
ManSlut's Avatar
My thoughts:

1) Maybe he forgot the 'safe word'
2) Maybe he stuck her with the dinner bill, "Damn Baby I left my roll at the crib."
3) Maybe the dude is Marv Albert and she got tired of him doing all the bitin'
4) Maybe she was infected with rabies from a recent 3 rounder with a rabid skunk
5) Or maybe, and this one is a bit of a stretch, just maybe, THE BITCH WAS STILL HUNGRY

Let's not rush to judge till we get 'her side'

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth and all Humorous Things
Bad things happen to the penis in FL. Isn't that where Lorena Bobbitt slice her way to 5 minutes of fame? How is this explained to the SO and children?
I have never taken X...but that sounds like a fucked up batch. I'm betting he ignored a few red flags along the way.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Also found in Vaughn’s room was a sex toy with several deep bite marks in it.

“The damage to the toy indicates a desire to cause severe damage,” according to the report. Sheriff’s investigators suspect the toy was damaged before the attack.

"I guess she bit off more than she could chew"






Further proof that my avatar is apropos for me, during kinkier moments BCD with an old gf, I talked her into biting the base until she saw my body jolt suddenly. This involved being balls deep to begin with so it made for a nice contrast with pain coming to a close but not exactly the same area. In conclusion, I am the worst person you should model your life choices after
Rufnex's Avatar
holy fuck stick, ouch!
Roguejet's Avatar
"The damage to the toy indicates a desire to cause severe damage" ... Somebody tell me I imagined that quote is there! Huh?!?! Whew .... Damn good thing they spotted THAT smoking gun - Her bloody barking and his mangled penis just wouldn't have been enough for the cops to make an arrest - Really?!?!!!
jamiejo's Avatar
HA HAHA!! Hence the reason for the shiner on her left eye! Shit that's funny!