Trump's Former Military Advisors scold Trump for being a fucking asshole!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is NOT a link to a social media site, folks.

This is what's happening. Russia is murdering hundreds of Ukrainians for some fucking reason nobody can articulate. Putin is murdering innocents and the former President of the United States is sowing chaos with his big mouth.

His acolytes, like Steve Bannon, are doing likewise.

Why isn't he offering to help if he knows Putin so well?

Trump's former military advisers scold him for praising Putin's invasion as "genius"

This week, Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladmir Putin for waging a full-scale invasion into Ukraine on Thursday, calling the Russian leader's incursion, which has already resulted in hundreds of casualties, "genius." But few of Trump's former advisers appear to share that same perspective, with many of them claiming that Putin should not be looked upon favorably at all.

On Thursday, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told CNN he was in "disbelief" over the Republican support for Putin.

"[Putin] is a tyrant. He's a murderer," Kelly said in an interview. "He has attacked an innocent country whose only crime is that they want to be free and democratic and they're working in that direction and have been working in that direction."

"Is Putin smart?" the former adviser added. "Yes. I mean, tyrants are smart. They know what they're doing. But … I can't imagine why someone would look at what's happening there and see it [as] anything other than a criminal act."

H.R. McMaster, Trump's former national security adviser, echoed a very similar stance, telling CNN that Putin is "certainly not someone to be praised."

Putin, he added, is a "man who has enabled serial episodes of mass homicide" and has "subverted Europe by weaponizing migrants."

"This is one campaign in his larger effort to drag everybody else down," McMaster concluded.

Former White House Chief of Staff Marc Short also joined the chorus of condemnation on Thursday, arguing that "no one in the GOP should be praising Vladimir Putin."

"He's a former KGB officer and a dictator and a thug," Short told The Washington Post. "We should be clear about that."

Over the past week, Trump has heaped praise on Putin, attempting to frame the invasion as a reflection on President Biden's leadership. In a Wednesday statement, the former president claimed that Putin is "playing Biden like a drum. It is not a pretty thing to watch!"

Some Trump associates have attempted to draw a contrast between Biden and Putin leadership styles, claiming the latter is stronger because is not beholden to "wokeness."

"Putin ain't woke," ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon declared this week on his podcast with private military contractor Erik Prince. "He's anti-woke."

"The Russian people still know which bathroom to use," Prince responded.

Tensions are reportedly escalating on the ground in Ukraine as Russian forces edge their way into the heart of Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital. On Wednesday, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky began drafting reservists aged 18-60 to fight in the conflict. The next day, Zelensky ordered a general military mobilization in an effort to stave off Russian forces, which are currently leading a three-front assault on the country's military bases, airfields and airports. Thus far, 137 Ukrainians have been killed, according to the nation's president.
Chung Tran's Avatar
These Right-wing Kooks are so swift to try and assail Biden, they don't realize it makes them look anti-American. The oral sex flows from Republicans to Trump, Trump to Putin. None desire Puta.
matchingmole's Avatar
This is NOT a link to a social media site, folks.

Trump's farts

"The Russian people still know which bathroom to use," Prince responded.

nt. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

... Ya don't say?

... And your fellow Biden is a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER.

And EVERYBODY knows this. ...

#### Salty
And come to mention... I don't recall you phonys commenting much-any
when Milley and the other military leaders said that Biden was
ABSOLUTELY WRONG about what happened with the Afghan withdrawal.

And those fellow STILL work together.

... Americans DEAD in Afghanistan because of their incompetence

... ... Let's NOT forget that.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
These Right-wing Kooks are so swift to try and assail Biden, they don't realize it makes them look anti-American. The oral sex flows from Republicans to Trump, Trump to Putin. None desire Puta. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Only to a few people such as yourself. To me, it looks like just telling the truth and if the truth hurts Joe Biden, well, one must be a Russian asset, right?

And if criticizing one's President is un-American, what the fuck do we call people, Democrats and media that lied about our President for more than 4 years? You're telling me that wasn't un-American?

Of course not since your "theory" only works for one party, right?
matchingmole's Avatar
Only to a few people such as yourself. To me, it looks like just telling the truth and if the truth hurts Joe Biden, well, one must be a Russian asset, right?

And if criticizing one's President is un-American, what the fuck do we call people, Democrats and media that lied about our President for more than 4 years? You're telling me that wasn't un-American?

Of course not since your "theory" only works for one party, right? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So all the nitpicky bullshit aside, do you boys support Trump's behavior on this issue?

You think that's the way of diplomacy?

How much do you think he would charge to fix this?

You demean yourselves by supporting such deplorable behavior at a time Europe is at war.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And Trumpster cult members still wonder why people did not want Trump to continue as president. He is the last person this country needed as president with his stupid outlandish bullshit. Biden is probably 2nd to last but at least he is not last because he at least listens to people other than his completely unqualified advice giving children unlike dummy Trump's kids who just agree with everything daddy says.
VitaMan's Avatar
[QUOTE=Salty Again;1062758985]... Ya don't say?

... And your fellow Biden is a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER.

And EVERYBODY knows this. ...

#### Salty[/QUOTE

The thread topic is about Trump and the incredible statements he made.
VitaMan's Avatar
Only to a few people such as yourself. To me, it looks like just telling the truth and if the truth hurts Joe Biden, well, one must be a Russian asset, right?

And if criticizing one's President is un-American, what the fuck do we call people, Democrats and media that lied about our President for more than 4 years? You're telling me that wasn't un-American?

Of course not since your "theory" only works for one party, right? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Again the thread topic is about Trump and the incredible statements he made.
VitaMan's Avatar
Republicans used to have some great leaders such as President Reagan who said:

"Mr.Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

Compare that to Trump statements this week.
These Right-wing Kooks are so swift to try and assail Biden, they don't realize it makes them look anti-American. The oral sex flows from Republicans to Trump, Trump to Putin. None desire Puta. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You're Anti-American. Just look at your Avatar, how American is that?
Precious_b's Avatar
Former potus, by custom, never comment on the actions of the current potus. It is just more than bad form.

Intelligent people would understand this.
And Trumpster cult members still wonder why people did not want Trump to continue as president. He is the last person this country needed as president with his stupid outlandish bullshit. Biden is probably 2nd to last but at least he is not last because he at least listens to people other than his completely unqualified advice giving children unlike dummy Trump's kids who just agree with everything daddy says. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yeah, Biden listens to the people. He listens to stupid people that's why he shut down the Keystone Pipeline and buys oil from Russia at the tune of 500,000 Barrels of oil a day, which helps in the Russian War effort. I am sure Putin saw that dummy coming a mile away.