Tried to do the right thing, and got yelled at and blocked

  • RK2
  • 06-22-2023, 02:31 AM
I plan on visiting Houston this next week so I studied the reviews and filtered P411 searches. I made contact with two better known and more popular ladies to submit screening info to give them time to contact references. One asked me what time of the day was I looking for so I told her. She then asked what hotel I was staying in. I explained that I haven't booked yet but told her what I thought it would be. She texted back in all caps telling me I wasted her time. That I should have not contacted her until I was ready. I said it was to give enough time for her to contact my references which I never gave her because my initial contact went from "hello" to "what time do you want?" in one text. She then told me she was blocking me for wasting her time.

I contacted a second and although not as bad I know damn good and well she is not going to screen. I said hello and said I was looking at early next week. I asked if I could provide references for verification. She said yes, send them to her when we get closer. Okay, thanks for your time.

I just wanted to be considering of everyone and provide everyone enough time to text email or communicate however. I get yelled at (all caps text) and blocked. Oh well, guess I will show up next week and just text when I am ready and then rush her. I just don't get it......
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I just don't get it...... Originally Posted by RK2
You're not supposed to get the way a lady runs her business.
Some won't post rates anywhere then say you wasted their time for asking but not booking.

Tried setting an appointment with a young lady for two hours later, she said "sorry, I don't book that far in advance".

That's the story everywhere not just here. Contact 20 & maybe 2 or 3 will work out. Good luck buddy.
  • tth
  • 06-22-2023, 06:57 AM
I’ve never understood why some of these ladies want a date and time when they haven’t even verified me yet
Blessing in disguise. Those are the type that will give shitty service anyway so good riddance ahead of time and saved you a negative experience.
Uomo's Avatar
  • Uomo
  • 06-22-2023, 07:39 AM
If you're using P411 you don't need to provide references unless they ask. When you are ready to book you have 2 options when you click that request appointment button and then choose from the dropdown;
1. Pre-screening only
2. P411 appointment request

#1 is rarely used, and most will look at your OK's and be good to go. But this may be a better alternative to your approach

I will usually chose a date and time and send an appt request and in my message to them, which includes my standard intro and something along the line of "if you aren't available for this time and date, let's get the screening out of the way and then discuss a time that we can both make work"

And Marcellus is spot on, reach out to 20 and maybe 2 will answer.

Good luck
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
It's a shame how things can go
I want to screen few days before a meeting and get that out of the way
So I know we are good to go and every thing can go as planed ..
But I only tour so I want bookings a head of time and have my time managemnt set in stone and TCB right away as for screening

And if he's only using Refes as screening it may take few days before the providers reply back or some never do
P411 We should still screen with refes just make sure the appt went well!

But taking the business serious for some my not be as it should be .

OP might send your screening info with refes at the same time you or texting or PM the providers
Give all your info at once & give as much as you have or the provider ask for , will go a long way's with providers .
I know I hate to have to drag info out and go back and forth 20times ..
Cendell M's Avatar
I plan on visiting Houston this next week so I studied the reviews and filtered P411 searches. I made contact with two better known and more popular ladies to submit screening info to give them time to contact references. One asked me what time of the day was I looking for so I told her. She then asked what hotel I was staying in. I explained that I haven't booked yet but told her what I thought it would be. She texted back in all caps telling me I wasted her time. That I should have not contacted her until I was ready. I said it was to give enough time for her to contact my references which I never gave her because my initial contact went from "hello" to "what time do you want?" in one text. She then told me she was blocking me for wasting her time.

I contacted a second and although not as bad I know damn good and well she is not going to screen. I said hello and said I was looking at early next week. I asked if I could provide references for verification. She said yes, send them to her when we get closer. Okay, thanks for your time.

I just wanted to be considering of everyone and provide everyone enough time to text email or communicate however. I get yelled at (all caps text) and blocked. Oh well, guess I will show up next week and just text when I am ready and then rush her. I just don't get it...... Originally Posted by RK2
We’re not all like that, that’s very unprofessional to act like a child because someone’s trying to pre book. Just look at it like you dodged a bullet, no telling what she’s like in person!
  • RK2
  • 06-22-2023, 11:58 AM
Believe me, this one bad apple hasn't ruined the bushels. In some places I have visited P411 works for being considered verified. Other places providers will only use other provider references.
So when I travel I never know what is needed so I always try to reach out ahead of time so if previous references are needed there is plenty time to recieve responses.
I don't just send the references to a provider when inquiring. Even though they said the would provide a positive reference for me I dont want to wear that welcome out if you know what I mean.
We’re not all like that, that’s very unprofessional to act like a child because someone’s trying to pre book. Just look at it like you dodged a bullet, no telling what she’s like in person! Originally Posted by Cendell M
when looking and reachi g out to the ladies when im traveling ill start with....ill be in your area next (week th...few days to weed those out
Cendell M's Avatar
Believe me, this one bad apple hasn't ruined the bushels. In some places I have visited P411 works for being considered verified. Other places providers will only use other provider references.
So when I travel I never know what is needed so I always try to reach out ahead of time so if previous references are needed there is plenty time to recieve responses.
I don't just send the references to a provider when inquiring. Even though they said the would provide a positive reference for me I dont want to wear that welcome out if you know what I mean. Originally Posted by RK2
Well you definitely did nothing wrong, and if she’s on P411 you can tell them what happened and they’ll suspend her account for a little while.
It just seems very childish on her part. I pre book all the time with no issues other than they might not show ( but I get a small deposit to ensure that doesn’t happen )which can be annoying but in this instance you’re not wrong
NordicJag's Avatar
Like Uomo I almost always book using P411. I have used P411 in several different states and have never had a problem and I almost always prebook.
Op it's extremely difficult to be in this thing a long time, do it alot and not piss someone off. Goes with the territory unless you are a total wuss, white knight who just lets providers walk all over you. Luckily it's a lot of ladies so I really wouldn't worry about it. I don't think you did anything wrong
Welcome back.
Welcome back. Originally Posted by arañanegra
Thank you Sir
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Kara and Gina nail the issue.
ECG and I still discuss TCB issues with some of the east coast hobby folks that are on both sides of this issue and although folks usually improve TCB things, some burnout and leave.