It's definitely a request. I feel more inclined to talk dirty to old friends that I am comfortable with rather than someone I am meeting for the first time.
Originally Posted by Kendall4U
This is a good comment, and makes sense. Someone else said ladies might tend to be on the 'polite' side. I do appreciate that, but a
natural unfolding of the urban dictionary is my preference. Seems the lady just needs to feel out the situation, and mostly be uninhibited.
I had a lady ask me once (practically 30 seconds after I walked through the door for the first time), "so you wanna fuck?" Her delivery was so cute and sexy, it worked. Nothing forced. I've experienced some really rowdy ones too, and they also fit the moment. There can be too much, for example if a woman is screaming at the top of her lungs "Come on, fuck me harder!"…since I'm not as young as I used to be, my reply would probably be "well…no I can't."