Random new guy with a question

Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I've got a question for the other attached patrons (and geez do I feel like a sleeze bag for asking). How do you gentlemen, uh, acquire sufficient funds without alerting others that may have access to and watch your account? I'm not talking about a ton of money, just looking for some tips.

Thanks everybody.
Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I've got a question for the other attached patrons (and geez do I feel like a sleeze bag for asking). How do you gentlemen, uh, acquire sufficient funds without alerting others that may have access to and watch your account? I'm not talking about a ton of money, just looking for some tips.

Thanks everybody. Originally Posted by jackstacked

Open another account in your name and tuck away a small amount here and there
I squirrel away a little cash each week. I can't hobby as often as I'd like, but some sacrifices must be made.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I squirrel away a little cash each week. I can't hobby as often as I'd like, but some sacrifices must be made. Originally Posted by bigrodkc
If you receive direct deposit for your pay, most of the national companies that handle payroll such as ADP (20% of all american workers) and Paychex allow you to split your pay into two accounts, and/or take part of it on a credit card. If you have this option, the next pay increase or bonus direct to a second account.

Got a pickup? If so, you can get out of the house on the weekends. There is money to be made recycling stuff to the junk yard. However, some now require payment with a check which should be deposited into your special account. Sell some of your stuff on ebay and put the money in the special account. Sounds like your wife is very demanding. The second account may not just be for the hobby, but running money for when the situation turns ugly. Getting a breather from each other can offer the opportunity for both parties to calm down.

A related thought: God invented hunting and fishing so that a guy can get out of the house once in a while.

I use the ATMs alot. Its not a problem withdrawing $80 from the machine, and stashing $40.00 in my hinding place in the garage. It adds up quickly. Honestly, its not a money issue for me. Its making sure I have an airtight alibi. I live an hour away from KC. No way would I drive over there unless Im supposed to be there for some reason. Airtight alibi. Thats most important to me.

Im not a B&G or half hr kind of guy either. Im booking a full hour so I can relax and release steam.....twice!!!
Fun night with the guys
Heywood's Avatar
I use the debit card for about every transaction. Will ask for cash back every time. Usually 10 or 20 bucks. Adds up pretty quick and there is no obviously large withdrawal on the account. Also come to an agreement with your "account watcher" that you will have a certain amount for walking around money. Fifty or a hundred bucks a week plus whatever you can skim from the debit transactions will get you a nice little play fund with no transactions that draw attention.

After typing this, I'm starting to feel like a sleaze. Almost sounds like my old bottle hiding days.
woody4eroticfun's Avatar
Open another account in your name and tuck away a small amount here and there Originally Posted by BigDeal
Be careful if you open another account. Look for one that pays no interest, otherwise you will have to claim that interest on your taxes, and if she scrutinizes the tax return, she may question it. May want a PO box too, otherwise the bank will be sending info to your house address. Safest bet is to deal with cash only and find a good hiding spot. Plenty of ways to skim money, the other guys gave some good advice. Just have to be creative....buy items at the store, and return them later and keep the cash. If that doesnt work out, you could try to find a rich old sugar momma to bankroll you....lol.
malwoody's Avatar
How do you gentlemen, uh, acquire sufficient funds without alerting others that may have access to and watch your account? I'm not talking about a ton of money, just looking for some tips. Originally Posted by jackstacked
Got a pickup? If so, you can get out of the house on the weekends. There is money to be made recycling stuff to the junk yard.
A related thought: God invented hunting and fishing so that a guy can get out of the house once in a while.JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
There's your answer...in fact, if you get one here soon I have a load of "junk"...oops I mean "stuff" that a tenant left & it could be a covert income producing opportunity.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Even though I have a couple civilian hobbies, that I don't need to use as an excuse, have one that you spend $ on, that your so is aware of, and thinks keeps you out if trouble, and perhaps some of that goes to the 2nd bank acct.
But yes for po box, and perhaps an extra credit card (using po box) so you can go gift shopping, or dinners, more easily. After all, these are still dates.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Be careful if you open another account. Look for one that pays no interest, otherwise you will have to claim that interest on your taxes, and if she scrutinizes the tax return, she may question it. ...... Originally Posted by woody4eroticfun

I forgot to mention that, and I forgot about absolutely no interest for my taxes one year; my CPA caught it, and asked what was the odd bank account was for; he didn't know about it. The interest was only for a couple of dollars, but it showed up. The account was just to move special money in and out of. Except for being able to deposit checks, I would have been better off to stash the cash in a bank lock box for the little amount of interest that alerted the accountant that there was other money around.

Your not going to get a 1099-I from the bank in January for an extra bank account if you keep just a grand in it. With interests rates so low, (typically 1%) you will only accrue a few bucks interest. The bank isnt going to produce a 1099 and send it to the IRS. I believe a 1099 isnt required if interest is less than 10.00 a yr.

Just stash cash anyway. No paper trail and less to worry about.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Your not going to get a 1099-I from the bank in January for an extra bank account if you keep just a grand in it. With interests rates so low, (typically 1%) you will only accrue a few bucks interest. The bank isnt going to produce a 1099 and send it to the IRS. I believe a 1099 isnt required if interest is less than 10.00 a yr.

Just stash cash anyway. No paper trail and less to worry about. Originally Posted by MrNyceGuy

I got one for less than $10 about 8 to 10 years ago. However, it was for a corporation. A personal account may be different, don't know. But moving funds between companies seems to be a thing that is watched. Opening and closing a bank account in a year does't seem to work anymore. My rule is that everything has to to to the bank, but you can find ways to spend it all.