Sam Is taking a break

SamAnthem's Avatar
Hey there, I've been trying to get back to everyone about my upcoming availability but it's proven to be a bit hard. I'm getting some intense dental work done and won't be available for the duration of my recovery. Keep an eye out for an ad or send me a text (5125531887) or PM and I'll get back to you with an update as often as possible
ck1942's Avatar
Best of luck on a speedy dental health recovery!

Been there, done that several times already; always tough early on but if you avoid infections, the soreness fades quickly into the healing process.

Worse for me was zero hot coffee while stiches and wounds resolved...but chocolate milkshakes kept my tummy from growling too much. Yes, I lost some weight each time, but got that back soon after.

Two signs of success:

1) oral surgeons told me I could resume eating peanuts.

2) after the antibiotics ran their course I resumed eating more fun stuff. Did not confide that to the docs, of course.
SamAnthem's Avatar
Thank you CK!
I am currently making a bunch of soups and broth and hoping that will get me through the worst of it.
I'm such a food addict I don't know what I'm going to do😭
ck1942's Avatar
Essential is ingesting plenty of good food to keep your appetite engaged and your body strong.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Wishing you a speedy recovery...
knotty man's Avatar
I can put Oragel on the head of my dick and we can put it right where the pain is.
Btw. I can also do this with Preparation H.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Had you accepted my management offer you wouldn't have to worry about things like this.

Will your current manager really let you take off this long? Do you think he really cares about you?

Let me help you sugar.

BTW. I think you are the most beautiful women on Eccie. I get chills in my spine and butterflies in my stomach every time I look at your photos.

You can move in with me and we can fall in love together and have eternal life.

Trust me.
CubanAva's Avatar
Heal quickly!
SamAnthem's Avatar
Thank you Ava and Victoria

Knotty Man how generous of you. They say oragel can make the pain worse down the line

TT you and your vivid imagination, I don't have a manager. I've never had a manager. If I wanted a manager, yes, I could probably go out and get one because I am what? Gorgeous! You could never have a manager because you are not that kind of girl.
Ollie Pop's Avatar
Speedy recovery Sweetie