Which girls are the best at polite dissuasion?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Dissuasion in public is a real art for women. They don't want you to talk to them but they also don't want to be mean and rude to you unless they have to do so. Presumably, they are busy and don't need a bunch of idiots fawning all over them, but they would prefer not hearing "bitch" or "cunt" from every man that walked by them. So, who is best at it?

I've found Russian women, or at least women I think are Russian, can convey just the right expression of, "Thank you for smiling at me and acknowledging my beauty and that you want to fuck me right now, you horny old devil, but I've got a better offer out there somewhere, so I will pass."
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
French women.
Brazil women are so used to it it's simply like nodding hello
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Brazilian women don't say no.
I think German women are definitely not like French or Brazilian women.. We're feisty but I know lots of guys who love it
Brazilian women don't say no. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
LOL....That's the case in a lot of South America....Latinas are insatiable, horny suckers...but there is a small segment of them who prefer to tease.
I have learned that women who have learned to not laugh when I drop my pants are very good at public interaction
I practice my game face and polite conversation in the mirror every morning.

"Why thank you for speaking to my breasts and not my face, they love the attention...and yes, I'd love another dirty martini..." {{ Insert coy smile here}}

"Of course I think men are far superior to women...otherwise I'd have to buy my own drinks...bartender, one more!" {{ Insert coy smile here}}
I practice my game face and polite conversation in the mirror every morning.

"Why thank you for speaking to my breasts and not my face, they love the attention...and yes, I'd love another dirty martini..." {{ Insert coy smile here}}

"Of course I think men are far superior to women...otherwise I'd have to buy my own drinks...bartender, one more!" {{ Insert coy smile here}} Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Still waiting on that trip to the library.
South Americans
bojulay's Avatar
A San Bushman woman, when she does it in click.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Italian Women:

They have an innate ability to know how to dress sexy - well, they are beautiful too ...

There is never a dull moment with an Italian women: They are passionate by nature
They are smart and witty ...

They are funny ... They have a great sense of humor ... They have a great smile ...

They know how to cook and bring you to a food orgasm ...

They are knowledgable in fine arts ..

They have a great understanding of what a family is ...

They love their kids ... Nothing like a loving Milf ...
Clouddancer's Avatar
Italian Women:

They have an innate ability to know how to dress sexy - well, they are beautiful too ...

There is never a dull moment with an Italian women: They are passionate by nature
They are smart and witty ...

They are funny ... They have a great sense of humor ... They have a great smile ...

They know how to cook and bring you to a food orgasm ...

They are knowledgable in fine arts ..

They have a great understanding of what a family is ...

They love their kids ... Nothing like a loving Milf ...
Originally Posted by DarthDVader
I couldn't agree more!
There is a beautiful Italian lady I see regularly when I travel to UK.
She fits your description to a tee.
Irish Woman for sure
The start teaching us that at Sadik and up until University