For Deplorables That Voted For Trump The End Is Near!

StandinStraight's Avatar
It’s getting closer and closer to the day deplorables that voted for Trump realize they were used by our modern day Hitler, Donald Trump. Those that still defend Trump are his shrinking base of uneducated racist that feel entitled to a life of white supremacy.

When trump stood at his rallies and spoke to his deplorables by saying “I love the uneducated”, deplorables actually thought trump was paying them a compliment. What he was really saying was that he loved gullible, stupid racist that pray at the altar of the NRA and put their guns, racism cloaked as religion and pick-up-trucks before decency and humanity. Trump loves you because he knew he could use your deplorable racist stupidity to enrich himself.

Some of you will continue to defend him and exist in our society as deplorables for your entire lives, the rest of you will deny ever voting for Trump one day just as those that chanted “Heil Hitler” had to do for the rest of their lives.

Fortunately I can report that at the universities across the country our future generations are learning from your ignorance and will replace the dying deplorables in years to come with a more compassionate liberal social agenda.

What that means to all of us is:

Universal Health Care
Higher Wages
Free Trade
Lower national debt
Smart Gun Control
A woman’s right to choose
Equal wages for men and women
Compassionate immigration laws
Men and women being able to love who they want to love without the government discriminating against them.
Safer schools with better education.

We can have all these things and will survive trump, we must because the alternative is becoming Nazi Germany in 1945.
Pull out the ole Nazi card, that always adds credibility to a Post..

I like your list. We already have all of those things. The people that scream the loudest about how evil America is are the class of perpetual victims that usually want something for nothing.

Our universities are turning out more every day. The students pay thousands of dollars for educations that turn out to be useless in the real world.

This is a cycle that we have to break. Universities are running a scam, compelling students to rack up huge debts to acquire an education that doesn't even offer suitable skills to make enough to pay the loans back.

This is akin to endentured servitude.
bigwill832's Avatar
I'm in college right now. And I can tell you it's a fucking shit show. It seems like everything is about race or gender identity. Doesn't matter what class it is, it has to get thrown in there. Many, no all, of the student are fucking idiots who can't hold conversation or debate an idea without using the talking points of their professors who in can't handle being challenged about application of their ideas in the real world. I can't wait to get finished with my degree so I can get away from all of that stupid crap.
StandinStraight's Avatar
I'm in college right now. And I can tell you it's a fucking shit show. It seems like everything is about race or gender identity. Doesn't matter what class it is, it has to get thrown in there. Many, no all, of the student are fucking idiots who can't hold conversation or debate an idea without using the talking points of their professors who in can't handle being challenged about application of their ideas in the real world. I can't wait to get finished with my degree so I can get away from all of that stupid crap. Originally Posted by bigwill832
Spoken like a true Texan, the state that host more deplorable homophobe racist than any other. You have a lot of company in this forum. Fortunately Texas is becoming more liberal and in time will enter the real world where it’s not all about guns and cowboys.
  • grean
  • 11-30-2018, 06:47 AM
You compare him to Hitler and in the same post talk about gun control.

The guy is an asshole, buy far from Hitler.
  • grean
  • 11-30-2018, 06:55 AM

Schools are still very safe.

The media likes the ratings it gets from making school shootings seem to occur more. The perception is much different than reality.

They dont.
  • grean
  • 11-30-2018, 07:00 AM
Trump is an idiot. You want Pense, though? Your concerned about women's rights with Trump?
  • grean
  • 11-30-2018, 07:08 AM
We can have all these things and will survive trump, we must because the alternative is becoming Nazi Germany in 1945. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You have no idea what Nazi Germany was in 1945 if you think we are close to that.
bigwill832's Avatar
Spoken like a true Texan, the state that host more deplorable homophobe racist than any other. You have a lot of company in this forum. Fortunately Texas is becoming more liberal and in time will enter the real world where it’s not all about guns and cowboys. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Your trolling skills are lacking. I wish we had better trolls on this site. You label yourself as a Political Science professor yet you lack even the base ability to debate an idea with facts. You attack others with a checklist of label. And you claim Trump is Hitler even though he has done little, if anything, that would align him with what the Nazi party did. As a Poli-Sci professor, you would know that. I know trolls troll in order to just get reactions and hide behind their keyboards to make all sorts of claims about their credentials and lifestyles. I would prefer our trolls at least be able to do a bit better that those you find on sites like Breitbart or DailyKos.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It is estimated that the average person with a college degree will earn approximately $1 million more over their lifetime than those without a college degree.

"A recent study from Georgetown University found that, on average, college graduates earn $1 million more in earnings over their lifetime. Another recent study by the Pew Research Center found that the median yearly income gap between high school and college graduates is around $17,500."

"How much is a degree worth?

A Bachelors degree is worth a million bucks! High school graduates can expect, on average, to earn about $1.2 million dollars in lifetime income, while those with a bachelor's degree earn an average of $2.1 million over a 40 year working lifetime."

"Better Career Opportunities. You know that earning a college degree is a smart way to increase career success. Employment opportunities are narrowing for those who only hold high school diplomas. Conversely, college graduates have skills that qualify them for a wide range of careers with upward mobility. Oct 5, 2018"

College degrees open doors that would otherwise be closed to job seekers. Obviously not all college degrees are equal. Yes, a college education is not cheap. But even if you go into a field that is totally unrelated to the field of your college degree, potential employers will see that you have succeeded in one aspect of your life and that will weigh heavily on their hiring decisions.
StandinStraight's Avatar
You have no idea what Nazi Germany was in 1945 if you think we are close to that. Originally Posted by grean

Like Hitler Trump spouts constant propaganda to build distrust in our media. He also builds distrust in our justice system. He wants to jail his political rivals. He discriminates against anyone of a different race. He separates children from mothers and keeps them as orphans locked in cages. Sounds pretty similar to me. He can’t get away with many things like extermination but he would if and when he can.
Trump is an idiot. You want Pense, though? Your concerned about women's rights with Trump? Originally Posted by grean
I will give you a much scarier senario tha Pence.

If something happened to both President Trump and Vice President Pence, Nancy Peloci, the incoming Speaker of the House, is next in line.

The Horror, The Horror
rexdutchman's Avatar
One word to this OP Clueless
  • grean
  • 11-30-2018, 08:56 AM
Like Hitler Trump spouts constant propaganda to build distrust in our media. He also builds distrust in our justice system. He wants to jail his political rivals. He discriminates against anyone of a different race. He separates children from mothers and keeps them as orphans locked in cages. Sounds pretty similar to me. He can’t get away with many things like extermination but he would if and when he can. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Have you heard of the Rumbula Massacre in 1941?

The Trump administration may need to revisit parts of its border security policy. It's a far cry from Nazi Germany. Comparing them is insulting.