Avengers: Endgame

KingCobra36's Avatar
I just finished watching it. Holy fuck its amazing. Perfect movie.
I just finished watching it too though my reaction was quite the opposite. I didn't like it. Lots of action, loud noises, special effects, flashy costumes etc. but very little in terms of the plot and story line.

Don't want to reveal any spoilers here but neither the plot nor the ending made much sense to me. The whole point of the movie seemed to be to just cram as many Marvel superheroes as possible in one movie and have them showcase their abilities by fighting generic bad guys. That was literally the only purpose of this movie. Also Thanos is not scary enough or interesting enough to be the main bad guy. He's just a big dumb brute who can fight off 3 or 4 superheroes at the same time. I would liked to have known more about his upbringing, why he is so strong, why he is trying to do what he's doing. This movie and the prequels do explain it but they explain it in a very shallow childish way.

If I was a small kid or if I was really into the Marvel comics universe, then I would have probably enjoyed the movie more just because I could see so many superheroes in one movie.

It's not that I dislike superhero movies. I watched Aquaman and loved it because it had a solid plot, great storyline, and the action and violence had meaning to it. Anyway, we all like different things so KingCobra36 and others who liked this new Avengers movie...good for you and I'm not trying to put down any of you. In the end, a movie is entertainment and an escape from reality and if this Avengers movie did that for you, then it's a movie worth watching.
Big weekend for visual stimulation on both the big screen and small....

….I've got reserved seats (a few family members joining me) to go watch Endgame this coming Sunday; a mid-morning viewing. Looking forward to it.

Afterwards, we've got reservations for lunch at one of my son's fave restaurants....been warned to not gorge on movie popcorn.

Later, same day (come evening)….it's Game of Thrones time. The upcoming battle between GOT's surviving "heroes / villains" vs the dead at Winterfell is on slate. Whew!

I'll need to take Monday off, I think, in order to recuperate from the all-day rollercoaster.....
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Already got my tickets for Saturday!
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 04-26-2019, 12:39 PM
It's not that I dislike superhero movies. I watched Aquaman and loved it because it had a solid plot, great storyline, and the action and violence had meaning to it. Originally Posted by VeryClean
Wow, that's an interesting comparison. I haven't seen Endgame yet, but I'm having a difficult time imagining anyone holding up Aquaman as a film having a solid plot and great storyline.

Aquaman had great visuals, but the story was horrible, in my opinion. If you had referred to Wonder Woman instead, I'd be with you, but even it had a few bad plot holes.
Wow, that's an interesting comparison. I haven't seen Endgame yet, but I'm having a difficult time imagining anyone holding up Aquaman as a film having a solid plot and great storyline.

Aquaman had great visuals, but the story was horrible, in my opinion. If you had referred to Wonder Woman instead, I'd be with you, but even it had a few bad plot holes. Originally Posted by Crock
I thought Aquaman had a decent storyline. Everything was explained very well. They explained how Aquaman's father and mother met. They explained Aquaman's main enemy's motivations very well and why he must be stopped. Even the ending made sense to me and wrapped up the movie in a nice way.

To be fair to this Avengers End Game movie, I don't think it was meant to have a heavy substantial story line. There are way too many superheroes and guest appearances from various actors for that to happen. The producers and director realized that most people are coming to watch Avengers End Game just so they can see a lot of superheroes in one movie, not because they expect a great plot.
olivevet84's Avatar
Y did you not watch Infinity War! That was all about Thanos
olivevet84's Avatar
the movie was 3 hours long and you're saying that there was no plot in the movie LOL I would talk more about the plot but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen the movie yet I saw it Thursday and I saw it first thing this morning so I've already seen it twice and I'll probably see it tomorrow
TheOracle's Avatar
Saw it last night. Overall I enjoyed it and had a good time. The visuals were pretty outstanding. There were some things that irked me though. Some key characters had great stories and payoffs, while some I thought were done a bit of a disservice.

Captain America and Iron Man's story arcs were very good and wrapped up well imo. Hawkeye got major redemption from being left out of the last one and was pretty damn good.

The whole fat, slob Thor thing. Although it had it's comedic moments, it was a little corny to me and bit of a disservice to a huge, powerful character.

The Hulk has been disappointing in both Infinity War and Endgame to me. Another extremely powerful character who hardly shows what he's capable of.

The insistence on forcing the whole Captain Marvel, women's empowerment angle is annoying. A female character that was hardly known prior to her movie, has nothing to do w/ the story the movie is based on from the comics, and has nowhere near the power of Thor, Hulk, or Thanos. Yet, in the movie Thanos can barely put a scratch on her w/o using one of the stones. Thankfully she was barely in the movie and it kept it from being too much of a cringe fest. Then they have the "girl power" moment when all the women come together during the big battle. Lol.

Thanos. Although Infinity War was basically his movie, I do feel like there should've been a little more of him in this one. May just be my personal preference b/c I think he's a hell of a villain/character. This may be why, on first watch, I prefer Infinity War a little more. Also they make him seem much weaker than in the comics.
To be fair to this Avengers End Game movie, I don't think it was meant to have a heavy substantial story line. There are way too many superheroes and guest appearances from various actors for that to happen. The producers and director realized that most people are coming to watch Avengers End Game just so they can see a lot of superheroes in one movie, not because they expect a great plot. Originally Posted by VeryClean

You said it in a previous post: we all like different things. So true. Aquaman's not for everyone...but so what, right? If it entertains, nuff sed.

That said....I'm taking a shot in the dark you prolly were not a reader / collector of the Marvel Comic Books years (whoops....decades) ago?....and I'm specifically talking about those still-infancy years of the Jack Kirby / Stan Lee collaboration...

If you were around to buy / collect those early issues, you would know that Stan and Jack loved those occasional crossover stories / characters (ie: Spidey meeting the Fantastic Four....Hulk vs The Thing...Avengers teaming up with the X-Men...etc...)

Flash forward: as the Avengers Cinematic Universe grew and morphed, the (screenplay) writers knew of this (no doubt while he was still alive and contributing, Stan Lee shared extensive stories of those early days of writing & creating...)

As example...take the 1965 Double Issue of Sue and Reed's Wedding....as a kid I couldn't fork over my quarter fast enuff to purchase this comic and get home to read it. EVERY Marvel character (hero and villain) found it's way into this issue. It was epic.

Dr Doom attempted to thwart our heroes blessed day...but in the long run (with help from The Watcher) brilliant scientist, Reed (Elastic Man) Richards, was able to save the day in the end.

In the meantime...every page...every panel was stuffed full of action, action, and more action...and cameo appearances of all of Stan and Jack's creations. It was incredible and as a 10 year old nerd, I loved it.

So...I for one look forward to seeing the over-stuffed 3 hour marathon of Good vs Evil that is Endgame. To me, the More the Better. Why not? To me it's just another tip o' the cap to the genius that was the one and only, Stan Lee.

Chateau Becot, I'm glad we're in agreement. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post above, especially viewing the interesting vivid pictures. You're right, I'm not a reader/collector of comic books and as I kinda referred to in my first post in this thread, that's probably why I didn't enjoy this Avengers movie as much. I know this movie would be a huge draw for comic book fans.

Also, while our tastes may differ in certain areas, they also come together in other areas. For example, I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan and I'll be watching the new episode right along with you tomorrow night. I hope you have lots of fun tomorrow from morning till night.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I thought it was ok. It'll probably get a little better when I watch it again tomorrow.

The best part about it was definitely when SPOILER TERRITORY-------------Capt. welded Mjolnir and battled Thanos toe to toe (and saving Thor's ass in the process).

I think what disappointed many people the most is no all out, pissed all to hell Hulk whooping Thanos' ass at some point. Even if there was no clearcut winner, I think we deserved at least another scrimmage where Hulk held his own, at least. Shit, I don't think the two were even on the screen at the same time at any point.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 04-28-2019, 12:53 AM
So...I for one look forward to seeing the over-stuffed 3 hour marathon of Good vs Evil that is Endgame. To me, the More the Better. Why not? To me it's just another tip o' the cap to the genius that was the one and only, Stan Lee. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Great movie, in my opinion.
bored@home's Avatar
Caught it Friday midday after hearing all my colleagues give it great kudos. Great seats, good food etc but in the end left like... "hmm, ok then"
Not bad, not great, just sort of middle of the road for me. Lot of the new normal in terms of current cultural climate. Cut the fluff and could have got the job done in half the time but it was okay.