New PSA Test Guidelines

There has been considerable confusion recently about prostate cancer screening. The American Urological Association, which used to be a strong proponent of using the PSA test, has tried to clarify the latest findings by issuing new guidelines for PSA tests.
  • Men under 40 shouldn't get PSA tests.
  • Men ages 40 to 50 shouldn't be tested, if they're at average risk for the disease. Those at higher risk — such as African-American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer — should talk it over with their doctors.
  • For men 55 to 69, the test makes the most sense. The AUA panel recommends a shared decision by doctors and patient about the test. Once testing begins, the panel says it should be given every two years, rather than annually.
  • Finally, the group says men over 70 and with less than a 10 to 15 year life expectancy can probably skip the test.
What about men between the ages of 51-54? I'd still want to get tested, especially if there's a family history and you're black. If you're PSA level is over 3.5, that should put up a red flag and your primary doctor should send you to a urologist for a prostate biopsy.
What about men between the ages of 51-54? Originally Posted by BfloEd
Thanks for noting that. There was a typo in the NPR report that I cut-and-pasted from. The second age group should be 40-54.

If you're PSA level is over 3.5, that should put up a red flag and your primary doctor should send you to a urologist for a prostate biopsy. Originally Posted by BfloEd
The consideration is complicated by the relatively high percentage of false positives for the PSA test and the fact that a biopsy is not without risk. I know a friend who did a biopsy as a result of a false PSA positive and almost died of infection.
Do we still get the FIA from our friendly fat-fingered doctor?
Do we still get the FIA from our friendly fat-fingered doctor? Originally Posted by mwebber
I get it during every annual physical.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Do we still get the FIA from our friendly fat-fingered doctor? Originally Posted by mwebber
Luckily I have a female doctor with thin fingers
jokacz's Avatar
My PCP is a hot young woman, so I kinda look forward to the FIA.
Not sure she does. LOL
But she likes to inspect my testicles for masses, so who knows?
Wonder if she wonders why I shave my balls. hehehe