White Convicted Felon Manafort vs. Black Football Players

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So why does Trump keep crying to the media that he feels so bad and so sad for Paul Manafort. Trump is a colonoscopy bag of the highest order. So he feels bad for and wants to pardon a guy who conspired against his country and who was convicted by a Jury of his WHITE PEERS..Does Trumps dumbass not realize that it was basically an ALL WHITE jury that convicted his boy and NOT Robert Mueller. A jury of 6 men and 6 women. 9 whites and 3 Asians. NO BLACKS!!!!

Trump is attempting to subvert the will of the White people by trying to pardon his sleaze bag friend so that he doesn't roll on Trump. Meanwhile Trump would have you believe that it's ok to feel sorry for a criminal who cheated and disrespected this Nation by stealing and conspiring with the Russians while he thinks you should all hate the black football players because they're not loyal to the flag. I swear Trump thinks you guys are fucking dummies of the highest order.

I said he thinks you're all dummies and retards, I don't think that but he apparently does.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
why are NFL viewing ratings down?

NFL television ratings down 9.7 percent during 2017 regular season. NFL television ratings fell 9.7 percent during the 2017 regular season, according to numbers registered by Nielsen. A typical game was watched by 1.6 million fewer people this season as compared to last season (14.9 million versus 16.5 million).Jan 4, 2018

So why does Trump keep crying to the media that he feels so bad and so sad for Paul Manafort. Trump is a colonoscopy bag of the highest order. So he feels bad for and wants to pardon a guy who conspired against his country and who was convicted by a Jury of his WHITE PEERS..Does Trumps dumbass not realize that it was basically an ALL WHITE jury that convicted his boy and NOT Robert Mueller. A jury of 6 men and 6 women. 9 whites and 3 Asians. NO BLACKS!!!!

Trump is attempting to subvert the will of the White people by trying to pardon his sleaze bag friend so that he doesn't roll on Trump. Meanwhile Trump would have you believe that it's ok to feel sorry for a criminal who cheated and disrespected this Nation by stealing and conspiring with the Russians while he thinks you should all hate the black football players because they're not loyal to the flag. I swear Trump thinks you guys are fucking dummies of the highest order.

I said he thinks you're all dummies and retards, I don't think that but he apparently does. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Whites...Blacks....Whites....B lacks...
Divide...Divide...Divide...Div ide....
The story of your life!!
[QUOTE=Sistine Chapel;1060839570]So why does Trump keep crying to the media that he feels so bad and so sad for Paul Manafort. Trump is a colonoscopy bag of the highest order. So he feels bad for and wants to pardon a guy who conspired against his country and who was convicted by a Jury of his WHITE PEERS..Does Trumps dumbass not realize that it was basically an ALL WHITE jury that convicted his boy and NOT Robert Mueller. A jury of 6 men and 6 women. 9 whites and 3 Asians. NO BLACKS!!!!

Whites...Blacks....Whites....B lacks...
Divide...Divide...Divide...Div ide....
The story of your life!!
NoTell's Avatar
Colin Kaepernick should have been on the jury, he is not doing anything!!! LOL
I don't know about you guys BUT, to me, it's gonna be ANOTHER great day in the Wonderful World of President Trump.

Conservatives are waking up, kissing their wives and children goodbye as they head off for another day of work, knowing they helped vote into office a man who is gonna go out and do everything in his power today to make good on the campaign promises he made a couple years ago.

And tomorrow.....he'll get up and begin the process ALL OVER AGAIN.....just as he's done since the day he was sworn in, January of 2017. The man is tireless...and he is absolutely unstoppable.

And it's driving the progressive left absolutely insane. Case in point, the OP's post.

President Donald Trump......MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.....one day at a time.

Thank you, Mr President!

That said, fyi.....the NFL kicks off it's 2018 regular season Two Weeks from today, boys and girls. For grins keep an eye on those first week ratings.....I guarantee you all 31 owners will be doing so.

While Roger Goodell couldn't give a rat's bee-hind about ratings....and he doesn't 'cause he's on his final (five-year ) contract.; no skin off his nose when those TV contracts come up for renewal...owners like Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft, Stan Kroenke, etc will most definitely give a HUGE rat's ass about those opening-week numbers. Stay tuned.

In closing.....dontcha just wish Robert Mueller was a black man so SC could stir the pot per that HOT topic? Or, for that matter, how about James Comey….wouldn't it be great if he was black, also?

I can only imagine the fun-filled posts we'd have seen by now.....the mean, ol' white POTUS who fired the poor, innocent African-American FBI Director. Oh, well....guess we'll just have to settle for what we get, huh?

Chung Tran's Avatar
I saw Fox News the other night, the Lady on there was trying to make a case about the anti-Trump comments at the VMA's, and the decline in ratings, suggesting that middle America is tired of the leftist politics in the awards shows.

that is baloney. ALL entertainment shows have experienced steady declines in viewership the past few years.. sports, award shows, sitcoms.. there is simply much more competition for viewership, and a plethora of entertainment choices.. why the disingenuousness?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because that’s all they can do, Chung Tran, throw red meat to their starving faithful.

Unfortunately for The ever-grasping-at-straws Fox News, people are fleeing that breadline in YUGE numbers, again, as we will see in November when the majority of American voters again reject Twitler and his dishonest, criminal enterprise.
Because that’s all they can do, Chung Tran, throw red meat to their starving faithful.

Unfortunately for The ever-grasping-at-straws Fox News, people are fleeing that breadline in YUGE numbers, again, as we will see in November when the majority of American voters again reject Twitler and his dishonest, criminal enterprise. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

And when it doesn't unfold as you've so often forecasted you will once again be full of a whole new laundry list of excuses / alibis for the failures of the Dimm Party to connect with people other than libturd lemmings....

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because that’s all they can do, Chung Tran, throw red meat to their starving faithful.

Unfortunately for The ever-grasping-at-straws Fox News, people are fleeing that breadline in YUGE numbers, again, as we will see in November when the majority of American voters again reject Twitler and his dishonest, criminal enterprise. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


was the first time they rejected Trump Nov 8th 2016? or some other time? i'm confused.
.. people are fleeing that breadline in YUGE numbers... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are partly correct, Food Stamp numbers have gone down drastically.
I saw Fox News the other night, the Lady on there was trying to make a case about the anti-Trump comments at the VMA's, and the decline in ratings, suggesting that middle America is tired of the leftist politics in the awards shows.

that is baloney. ALL entertainment shows have experienced steady declines in viewership the past few years.. sports, award shows, sitcoms.. there is simply much more competition for viewership, and a plethora of entertainment choices.. why the disingenuousness? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Your explanation has some truth to it however attendance is down across many stadiums. I went to two poorly attended Texans games last year. I don't believe they announced the attendance at the stadium but it was about half full. Since many people paid for a PSL which means you are forced to buy season tickets, they could easily included that in the number. How's JerryWorld?

It's not just my experience either, there were numerous articles linked here last year of NFL stadiums that were half empty, with pics.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Your explanation has some truth to it however attendance is down across many stadiums. I went to two poorly attended Texans games last year. I don't believe they announced the attendance at the stadium but it was about half full. Since many people paid for a PSL which means you are forced to buy season tickets, they could easily included that in the number. How's JerryWorld?

It's not just my experience either, there were numerous articles linked here last year of NFL stadiums that were half empty, with pics. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Jerry's World is packed, I would be shocked to learn that a single game is not sold out. granted Jerry himself has openly supported the anti-kneeling faction.

back to Reps vs. Dems..

the disingenuousness of the rhetoric slays me.

the Dems say Trump is a Racist. the response is "black unemployment is at a historical low".

the Dems suggest Trump is tied in with Russia.. "this is a Witch hunt (that has snagged many Witches, by the way), the economy is roaring".

what I'm hearing from the Republicans, is "I don't give a Rat's turd how unethical the Trump Administration is, and has been, none of it matters".

even the right-wing Ministers can't bring themselves to say a word.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Your explanation has some truth to it however attendance is down across many stadiums. I went to two poorly attended Texans games last year. I don't believe they announced the attendance at the stadium but it was about half full. Since many people paid for a PSL which means you are forced to buy season tickets, they could easily included that in the number. How's JerryWorld?

It's not just my experience either, there were numerous articles linked here last year of NFL stadiums that were half empty, with pics. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't think you fully understand the word "fan" which is short for "fanatic". Do you really think that half the fans stayed away because of Trump's comments? I can cite several articles that support Chung Tran's opinion that TV ratings overall are down at the same level as NFL game viewership.

From https://www.theatlantic.com/business...ecline/551861/

It may be this simple.

"Instead there is evidence, sometimes circumstantial and often crystal clear, that football has suffered as its most popular players and teams have disappointed, in various ways. NFL ratings peaked several years ago, when some of the greatest quarterbacks in history were in their record-setting primes and most of the league’s most popular teams were competitive.

That’s simply not the case anymore. Many of the most popular and marketable players in the NFL in 2017 are either injured (like Aaron Rodgers, Andrew Luck, and J.J. Watt), playing for mediocre or noncompetitive teams (like Russell Wilson, Von Miller, and Eli Manning), or both (like Odell Beckham Jr.). It ought to concern the league that the remainder is composed mostly of quarterbacks aged 35 and over (Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger). Of the 10 NFL players with the best-selling jerseys, only one made the playoffs without being injured or suspended: Tom Brady."

Do you think attendance at Houston Texan games plummeted late in the season due to Trump's comments or the fact that the team lost its QB, JJ WATT, and other key players and had a season record of 4-12, losing their last 6 games? I am a NY Giant fan and I lost interest midway through the season due to the team's terrible play.

I have grown tired of the whole NFL controversy and wish the players would move on.
I saw Fox News the other night, the Lady on there was trying to make a case about the anti-Trump comments at the VMA's, and the decline in ratings, suggesting that middle America is tired of the leftist politics in the awards shows.

that is baloney. ALL entertainment shows have experienced steady declines in viewership the past few years.. sports, award shows, sitcoms.. there is simply much more competition for viewership, and a plethora of entertainment choices.. why the disingenuousness? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung, I would put forth the argument that the declines are exactly for the reasons stated that Middle America is less inclined to watch left leaning entertainment and it is responsible for all the declines you mentioned. The left hates white people and wishes them to die off ASAP.

In the entertainment field it benefits you to connect with your audience and not condescend to them.