Any lawyers?

I need help with getting out of a lease. 6 months in on a year. They recently had a murder on property and several other crime related issues. Anyone? Please lets keep it polite & co-ed. Thank you.
There should be a provision in the lease that would allow you to get out under certain circumstances. Go meet with the lease manager and explain your concerns. Most places will also allow you to get out of the lease if they are able to rent your apartment to someone else.
Yeah, It was a second location. Ever since they tore down tent city downtown they have migrated south east. I just cant put my finger on it but Im pretty damn sure since it was a murder on property last week its a way out of the lease. I already have a new location. They are just trying to jam me up for money of course !

Thanks babe for your response !

I moved out early from an apt once and had to keep paying but with the agreement that they would attempt to lease the apt to someone else. I asked them to show me that it was available after I moved out and they couldnt so they refunded me the last 2 months. You may just be fucked but give it hell but still be very polite and it may work out.
You could press the issue, in writing, notorized copy to them, requesting a release from lease based on security issues. Cite the recent events. State you feel they as the property owner and management have failed to provide you, the tennant, with a safe living enviroment and hold them fully accountable for your emotional pain and suffering you are enduring as result of these horrid living conditions and for any and all actions that may be perpetrated against you or your property.


If it's worth the bother, move out and short term sublet.
I know exactly where you’re talking about! Tent city has gotten insane .
If I thought my life was in danger, I would move out and screw the deposit.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to pull all the police reports to the address. Have that in hand when walking in the office to negotiate a reletting fee. Thank you for all your suggestions !!
  • pxmcc
  • 03-06-2019, 08:35 PM
nope.. (sorry Jess i had to get you back for trolling me lol..)

just tell your landlord that you have a friend whose practice is 100% slumlord litigation pursuant to the TPC, who is available, as needed. that should do the trick, i'd think..
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Instead of hiring an attorney, isn't there some sort of "official" apartment/rental association in Houston?

Back over a decade ago, I was in an apartment in Dallas and was having some issues.

There was a Texas or Dallas tenants association that was a huge help and the service was free. I just spoke to them over the phone.

Surely Houston has something similar.

Good luck!!!
Don't do tit for foooking tat pxo. You're my eccie friend and we don't roll like that. She has constantly slandered Shine Da Greats name but I consistently respond with love and compassion. Shine Da Great is all about love so I only speak in love irregardless of how some treat me. TexoJesso I truly hope you get out of your lease and don't have to throw unnecessary money down the drain. Best of luck in all your interests. Shine Da Great.Tooodlez.....
Don't do tit for foooking tat pxo. You're my eccie friend and we don't roll like that. She has constantly slandered Shine Da Greats name but I consistently respond with love and compassion. Shine Da Great is all about love so I only speak in love irregardless of how some treat me. TexoJesso I truly hope you get out of your lease and don't have to throw unnecessary money down the drain. Best of luck in all your interests. Shine Da Great.Tooodlez..... Originally Posted by shinepro

How many more of these racist rants will be allowed here?
  • pxmcc
  • 03-06-2019, 09:58 PM
^^racist? how is shine's post racist?
  • pxmcc
  • 03-07-2019, 02:42 AM
Don't do tit for foooking tat pxo. You're my eccie friend and we don't roll like that. She has constantly slandered Shine Da Greats name but I consistently respond with love and compassion. Shine Da Great is all about love so I only speak in love irregardless of how some treat me. TexoJesso I truly hope you get out of your lease and don't have to throw unnecessary money down the drain. Best of luck in all your interests. Shine Da Great.Tooodlez..... Originally Posted by shinepro
shine, believe it or not, i gave her good-and truthful-advice. one of my buddies does nothing but slumlord litigation-heck he rarely has to go to trial-and i'll be damned if he aint pullin high 6 figures. half the statutory penalties are per diem per unit, so you multiply like $80 a day over 2 years by like 500 units, and waddaya know, before long, you're talking about real money. so ya, Landlords "doin it on the cheap" know all about the Slumlord Plaintiffs' attorneys, and give them a wide berth-like white sharks give orcas-whenever possible..
Lol always so much hate on this board. It is super entertaining to read.

Texas Jess

There is a provision about safety. If your safety is in jeopardy you can move out of the lease. You will just have to know your stuf, do your research and learn how to properly do it. I would pull the police reports and then contact the Houston Apartment Association.