Do you mind getting your hair wet?

I've always been one to shower BEFORE a date, however, with the heat and humidity, it may be a lost cause. I guess I can do what a lot of other guys do, and that is, shower at her incall.

Two questions.

#1. Would you be willing to join me? Showering together can be a lot of fun but I realise some ladies probably spend much time and effort getting their coif perfect and beautiful for us, and the last thing they want is to look like a drowned cat.

#2. Does the clock start when I step into, or out of, the shower? If I'm paying for your time and companionship, can't I enjoy your companionship in the bathroom?

Lather me up, baby!
(oh, and watch out when you bend over to pick up the bar of soap!)


Inflation was getting out of hand, so Joe suggested to his wife, Louise, that they try a unique way to save some money on the side.
"Every time I lay you, I will give you a dollar for your piggy bank," he said.
A few weeks later, they decided to open the piggy bank. Out tumbled a bunch of dollars, but these were mixed with a rich cluster of fives, tens, and twenties.
"Louise," asked Joe, "Where did you get all that money? Each time we fucked I only gave you a dollar."
"So?" she said, "Do you think everyone is as stingy as you are?"
I think shower time is great fun. Bring on the bubbles!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Baby, I have a rubber ducky with your name on it!
If you like to shower with the ladies Garland, I'd suggest giving them a heads up when booking your appointment so they can change things around a bit to accomodate you. It's not uncommon for a lady to spend an hour doing her hair (curlers, styling, etc) and to have all that washed away, well, some might be a bit miffed at you for all the work they did getting ready, and then its all washed away. I guess a showering scene would cover the getting-ready makeup time as well... so it definitely would pay to plan ahead!

Oh, and don't forget to drop the soap..
Lol. Always a tough one for me. Takes me FOREVER to straighten my hair. I did come up with a solution, though! I have this uber-sexy shower cap! Haha. The gents and I laugh about it, but at least it keeps my hair dry. Hey, we all make sacrifices. You want me to shower with you? I'm more than happy. But you're gonna have to tolerate the shower cap. :P
I think the shower cap is a great idea. Just make it part of the play. I can put the cover on you before the shower and you can put the cover on me after the shower. Turnabout is fair and fun play.
Guest062512's Avatar
Hmmmm... might wanna put BOTH covers on before the shower, with ultra-hot TraciB