SCOTUS Refuses review of opinions striking down gay marriage bans

Let the gay-bashing begin.

They're waiting for the 6th Circuit to uphold Tennessee's ban. With a split in the federal circuits, the SCOTUS can then write an opinion aggressively affirming/finding that gays and lesbians have the same rights that heterosexual couples have when making the decision to marry. A good day.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The government has no business meddling in marriage. As long as they are adults, and freely consent to the union, who cares?
Can we expect a announcement from you and iffy dull knife?
Equality For All.

If two adults want to get married, let them. It's that simple.
LowRider69's Avatar
Marriage is government regulation of a private relationship.....children born of incest tend to have serious medical issues.....that's why you can't marry your sister though "iva biggen in my ass" wants to marry his sister because she looks like a man......

Now, marriage laws prohibit incestuous relations because of potential birth defects.....but, when "iva biggen in my ass" fucks his father, neither one of them will get pregnant......there should be no marriage prohibition for liberal swallowers who are male from marrying their brothers, fathers, nephews or grandfathers....we know they want to....if we let gay marriage, we should let sick fucks like "iva biggen in my ass" marry his dad.....

LowRider69's Avatar
Equality For All.

If two adults want to get married, let them. It's that simple. Originally Posted by marathonrunner
Why limit it to adults? You good with siblings marrying, as long as they're adults, of course!

You dumb ass..........

There's probably some 18 year old down syndrome boy this dumb ass wants to marry.......

Is this another ex-Man sockpuppet?!! LOL!
boardman's Avatar
Let the gay-bashing begin.

the SCOTUS can then write an opinion aggressively affirming/finding that gays and lesbians have the same rights that heterosexual couples have when making the decision to marry. A good day.
Originally Posted by timpage
Or they can opine that this is an issue that individual states should decide for themselves.
The real winners in this game are the Divorce Lawyers.

This opens up a entire new money making stream for them. Gay Marriage will begat Gay Divorce.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2014, 01:42 PM
Why limit it to adults? You good with siblings marrying, as long as they're adults, of course!

You dumb ass..........
Originally Posted by LowRider69

Straw man dicklicker.

Siblings can not marry, period. No matter if you are straight or gay, black , white, Jew or Catholic. No discrimination there.

You can't marry a sheep, no matter how much you want to. Nobody can, therefore you are not be discriminated against.

What if you had a law that said you can marry your sibling unless they were the same sex? Opposite sex sibling could marry but gay sibling could not. That is discrimination .... just like banning two gay people from marrying is discrimination.

This is no different than when it was against the law for folks of a different color to marry. Nobody thinks that states should be able to enforce such a law....or are there folks on here who still think the state has a right tho discriminate in marriage laws?

boardman's Avatar
Straw man dicklicker.

Siblings can not marry, period.
. Originally Posted by WTF
Why can't they?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2014, 02:08 PM
Why can't they? Originally Posted by boardman
I was addressing discrimination.

Neither straight nor gay siblings can marry. Nor black or white siblings....nor Jewish or atheist siblings can marry.

If only straight siblings could marry then that would be discrimination.

If you want to change the law so that all siblings could marry then at least you would not be trying to discriminate DOMA and these state laws were doing. I have a problem with discrimination , some folks obviously do not.

boardman's Avatar
I was addressing discrimination.

Neither straight nor gay siblings can marry. Nor black or white siblings....nor Jewish or atheist siblings can marry.

If only straight siblings could marry then that would be discrimination.

If you want to change the law so that all siblings could marry then at least you would not be trying to discriminate DOMA and these state laws were doing. I have a problem with discrimination , some folks obviously do not.

Originally Posted by WTF
It was a simple question asking you to explain a very declarative statement in direct response to a legitimate argument. (not the arguer, the argument.)
Why can't they marry? Seems like it could be considered discriminatory to me.
Why can't they? Originally Posted by boardman
If they breed we get people like no rider..
boardman's Avatar
If they breed we get people like no rider.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
LOL...Point taken


Who says they have to breed just because they are married?
Do gays "breed"?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2014, 02:42 PM
It was a simple question asking you to explain a very declarative statement in direct response to a legitimate argument. (not the arguer, the argument.)
Why can't they marry? Seems like it could be considered discriminatory to me. Originally Posted by boardman
It is not discriminatory based on race , religion or sexual orientation. .

Not allowing gays to marry is discriminatory based on sexual orientation.

I'm not defending the ban on marrying your sister if you want boardman. I just think you should be able to marry your brother too ... if you wanted.