One Condition of Capitalism: You Must Produce More Than They Pay You!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
After a workers' revolution, the state would initially become the instrument of the working class. Conquest of the state apparatus by the working class must take place to establish a socialist system. As socialism is built, the role and scope of the state changes as class distinctions (based on ownership of the means of production) gradually deteriorate due to the concentration of means of production in state hands. From the point where all means of production become state property, the nature and primary function of the state would change from one of political rule (via coercion) over men by the creation and enforcement of laws into a scientific administration of things and a direction of processes of production; that is the state would become a coordinating economic entity rather than a mechanism of class or political control, and would no longer be a state in the Marxian sense.[12]
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No problem. I'm paid for creating and broadcasting bullshit.

No, really!

It's a growth industry.

ECCIE is merely a cool-down after my daily fucking ZUMBA!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
No problem. I'm paid for creating and broadcasting bullshit.

No, really!

It's a growth industry.

ECCIE is merely a cool-down after my daily fucking ZUMBA!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Whatever! Why are we so convinced "capitalism" is the way? It doesn't work for the whole of society. It's "immoral". I guess "Karl Marx" is a bad word, but he's absolutely right.
Whatever! Why are we so convinced "capitalism" is the way? It doesn't work for the whole of society. It's "immoral". I guess "Karl Marx" is a bad word, but he's absolutely right. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Under Socialistic Governments about 170 million people have been killed by their Government.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you had better look up what happened to the pilgrims Deb. When they came to the new world they agreed that everyone would share equally in the crops that they planted and harvested without regard how much food you produced. This was socialism pure and simple. The only problem was that one by one the pilgrams only worked as hard as they thought the next guy was working because no matter how hard you worked you still got just as much as the guy who goofed off. They almost starved the first year until Peter Bradford changed it all up. Each farmer would get a portion of their crops to sell to make profit for themselves. Farmers started doing more to produce food because it benefited their wallets. The Indians showed them some tricks of the trade but it was the pilgrims who put in the hours and they thrived under capitalism instead of dying under socialism. In fact, 42 of the 102 died that first winter.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
A shining example of how capitalism works and socialism does not is North Korea.
Even the communist China has embraced Capitalism as a means of bringing a better life for the greater majority of their people. The same with Vietnam.

What is wrong with having a nation that was founded on an idea that we are free to choose our own destiny without the intervention of a feudal overlord.

I think that your disatisfaction with our country is more deeply rooted in what we have become due to the over reach of government rather than the over reach of capitalists. An example is the mandated minimum wage which does not allow for the market and the worker to decide what their time is worth. There will always be "entry level" jobs where the wage is low so that people can develpe skills and knowledge to carry on to the next level.

The idea that government should make life easy for everyone is pollyanna at best. Life is a struggle that we work hard to overcome and with hope and greater effort attempt to make it better for the next generation.

My first job was weeding flower beds for 50 cents each. I learned a lot doing that about weeks and grasses and which typoes were harder to get rid of than others. With that knowledge I could negotiate a higher rate for those flower beds that had the more difficult weeds to pull. That led to mowing yards and learning how to set a rate for that service that the person would be willing to pay and was also acceptable to me. With the money I earned from mowing yards I was able to buy a bicycle and went into the business of delivering newspapers while still doing the yards. Delivering newspapers was a great way to make money during the months when the grass wasn't growing. The last stop on my paper route was a business and I would hang around watching an learning what an how they did their jobs. At times I would pitch in a help when they got busy. This led me to ask for a job there as soon as I was old enough. They could not turn me down because I knew how to do the job. In working there I learned to do things and was able to negotiate a percentage of sales in addition to my hourly wage. This served me well during high school and turned into my day job while I went to college at night. I also worked a part time job some nights and weekends. During this time, I was living on my own paying rent, paying for school, and bought a brand new car, and made my notes on time every payment. Yep, there was times when meals were little more than rice and beans but I wouldnt trade any of that for nothing.

Oh, I never finished college but I stayed in long enough to learn a skill that was marketable and found another job starting at the bottom once again learning about the business and developing my skills to make myself more valuable to the company. This led to being offered a chance to own a part of the company and I borrowed the capital needed to make my investment. The funny thing about owning a part of your own business and having to pay a note is that you work really hard to make the business as successful as possible. In fact you work much harder and longer than your employees who have no vested interest other than a paycheck. I actually make less on my paycheck than a lot of my employees because I am not working for a wage, I am working fore the reward that comes at the end of the year when we divvy up the pie. To better understand this, as a result of the hard work by the capitalists of the compny we increased the nubmber of good paying jobs from less than a hundred to well over three hundred and not a one of them is even close to minimum wage.

One thing of note here is that regardless of how much money I made at any point in my life, I have always lived within my means and to an extent well bleow my means. I put money aside for the hard times and to have just in case I found an opportunity to better my life with a prudent investment. I do not have a smart phone, a tablet , or any of the trappings of waste. I eschew the waste of time that those things create.

I am off to work today and will work again tomorrow so that I can secure the jobs of a few more people and if all goes well make me a pile of money.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You Must Produce More Than They Pay You!

Imagine that!!!
Debbie ok it has to be done....there's no pussy-footing around anymore

you are incredibly naïve and uninformed and have progressed to a stage in your reading beyond your ability to comprehend and, it would seem, you have rationalized the facts you face in your daily existence by the use of fantasy
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
After a workers' revolution, the state would initially become the instrument of the working class. Conquest of the state apparatus by the working class must take place to establish a socialist system. As socialism is built, the role and scope of the state changes as class distinctions (based on ownership of the means of production) gradually deteriorate due to the concentration of means of production in state hands. From the point where all means of production become state property, the nature and primary function of the state would change from one of political rule (via coercion) over men by the creation and enforcement of laws into a scientific administration of things and a direction of processes of production; that is the state would become a coordinating economic entity rather than a mechanism of class or political control, and would no longer be a state in the Marxian sense.[12] Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Where do prostitutes fit into this scheme of things?
If this utopia doesn't have working girls, what good is it?
Capitalism allows man without restraint to be what he was born to be and that is to be free and independent. Socialism boasts equality and all work towards the common good. Equality is bullshit there is no equality. Equality is nothing more than mediocrity. Besides who defines what the common good is anyway. In Socialism one may not fall victim of poverty, nor will one work towards wealth either. In Socialism one works towards contentment and the strength of the governments power over them.

lustylad's Avatar
Hey Debbie, I have a question for you. Please try to answer it. Even a weak answer is better than no answer at all.

Let's assume you take a job in a widget factory. The factory uses old machinery that only lets you produce 2 widgets per hour. The widgets sell for $5 a piece. Does that mean your labor is worth $10 an hour?

Now hold that thought. Let's assume an engineer designs a new machine that can produce 10 widgets per hour. He sells the design to a company that builds these new machines. The owner of the factory buys the machine and installs it for you to operate. Now you are stamping out 10 widgets per hour. Does this mean your labor is suddenly worth $50 an hour? What did you do to earn such a big raise? If 100% of the production value goes to you, how do the engineer, the machinery maker, and the factory owner get paid for their labor, intellectual capital, investments and risk-taking?

Ok, that's more than one question but I hope you will give it your best shot.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Working more than you get paid is to show that you need a raise. If you only work as hard as you get paid then you stay right where you are. Isn't sociaiism grand.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Working more than you get paid is to show that you need a raise. If you only work as hard as you get paid then you stay right where you are. Isn't sociaiism grand. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There's no reward for tremendous achievement, which is in fact stifled, in a "socialist" country where mediocre achievement will suffice:

Vasiliy Ivanovich Alekseyev was a weightlifter from the Soviet Union.

He set 80 world records and 81 Soviet records in weightlifting and won gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich and the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.

Alekseyev received bonus funds every time he set a world record by the Russian Federation; so he made it a point to gradually increase his world records by 1.1 pounds or 0.5 kg.
lustylad's Avatar
A shining example of how capitalism works and socialism does not is North Korea. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2013 Per Capita Income
Communist North Korea - $1,800
Capitalist South Korea - $33,189

I do not have a smart phone, a tablet, or any of the trappings of waste. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Quick! Someone show 2 pups how to sign up for his Obamaphone!!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It always fails because of the typical libtard behavior to wrk down to the common denominator.
this was a prime reason that people in Russia would wait in long lines to buy food, if it was available. the anticipated production (what the government utopian thought would establish) VS the reality of production by people with zero incentive to produce is the end result.

Socialism is what people that want to get paid more for doing less and want others paid more so they will not steal the shit you worked for so that everyboduy is happy and can be artists. But the poor artist cannot sell the paintings because the government has deemed that you do not need more money and thus cannot afford it. Not for the artist to wrry because the government is taking care of him while he fucks off all day and parties all night.