"Socialism is not Communism"

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
We are programmed to think that "socialism" means "communism". We must know the media teaches us that. Please have an open mind and read the definition of "socialism" as follows:

The fundamental goal of socialism from the view of Marx and Engels was the realization of human freedom and individual autonomy. Specifically, this refers to freedom from the alienation imposed upon individuals in the form of coercive social relationships as well as material scarcity, whereby the individual is compelled to engage in activities merely to survive (to reproduce his or herself). The aim of socialism is to provide an environment whereby individuals are free to express their genuine interests, creative freedom, and desires unhindered by forms of social control that force individuals to work for a class of owners who expropriate and live off the surplus product.[9]
Socialism is communism light.

Kind of like Liberals re-branding themselves Progressives to run from their luny liberal reputation.

Your definition speaks of "material scarcity" - you mean like when Venezuela ran out of toilet paper? An entire country literally ran out of toilet paper. Is that the kind of material scarcity socialism is intended to prevent??

Your definition speaks of freedom, but there is no freedom when the government dictates to you how your money will be spent for the "greater good". Your definition speaks of the horror of being compelled to engage in activities merely to survive, but I propose that those who live a hand to mouth existence do so by their own choosing, and it is not our business, nor our job to do more for them than they are willing to do for themselves.

Every coin has two sides Debbie. The freedom to succeed, something that has been a fundamental principle in our country since its birth, cannot exist without also granting people the freedom to fail. Socialism seeks to create a one sided coin where no one fails and no one is responsible. The government, by the coercion of its hardest working citizens, will fix even your worst screw ups for you.

The problem is, the only way to do that is to find the lowest common denominator in society, and drag everyone down to that level. In a free society, the goal is to find the highest common denominator, and set that as the standard to strive for. Even if you don't reach it, you are still better for having tried.

Lastly, your definition speaks of providing an environment where individuals are free to express their creative freedom. Michelangelo did not need socialism to paint the Sistine Chapel. Da Vinci did not need socialism to paint The Last Supper. Beethoven did not need socialism to compose Symphony no. 9 Ode To Joy. Mozart didn't need socialism to compose The Magic Flute. The Wright Brothers didn't need socialism to achieve flight for the first time, nor did Alexander Graham Bell need socialism to invent the telephone.

Humankind has been creating art, music, and inventing cool stuff like the wheel for thousands of years, all accomplished without the coercion of socialism picking the pockets of citizens for the benefit of others.
I have no idea who you've been talking to or what you've been reading, but Socialism is no grand plan. The essential characteristics of Socialism is the denial of personal property rights. Socialism is established by either force or vote. The alleged goals of socialism were the abolition of poverty, the achievement of general prosperity, progress, peace and human brotherhood. Countries such as Soviet Russia, Red China, Cuba and Nazi Germany have all implemented the ideology of socialism with disastrous outcomes. Just think about the past history of these countries. Who in their right mind would want to take a chance on living under Socialism in America.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Socialism is an economic system, communism is a political system. So you're right about that....I don't really mean that Deb but you just did another cut and paste so we don't know if you're right or wrong about anything. Anyway, communism is just socialism at the point of a gun. Lenin started "war communism" in 1921 because his socialism was not working. They stayed with it until the 1990s.
LexusLover's Avatar
We are programmed to think that "socialism" means "communism". Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
"We" are?
We are programmed to think that "socialism" means "communism". We must know the media teaches us that. Please have an open mind and read the definition of "socialism" as follows:

The fundamental goal of socialism from the view of Marx and Engels was the realization of human freedom and individual autonomy. Specifically, this refers to freedom from the alienation imposed upon individuals in the form of coercive social relationships as well as material scarcity, whereby the individual is compelled to engage in activities merely to survive (to reproduce his or herself). The aim of socialism is to provide an environment whereby individuals are free to express their genuine interests, creative freedom, and desires unhindered by forms of social control that force individuals to work for a class of owners who expropriate and live off the surplus product.[9] Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

And, since they are no longer hindered by that old thing called a "job", they are free to lay around and leech off of those that work for a living.

And of course, someone has to be in charge. And your happy little Utopia will work just fine until the realities of the World, and human nature, set in. That is when those "in charge" will feel threatened, and you will be put against the wall.
LexusLover's Avatar
...and you will be put against the wall. Originally Posted by Jackie S
May be she likes standing mish "against the wall"!!!!
Understanding How Modern Liberals (WDFs) Think- Evan Sayet

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  • 10-11-2014, 07:37 AM
Understanding How Modern Liberals (WDFs) Think- Evan Sayet

[] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Look you pussy ass bitch....just because you spam the forum with the most asinine shit does not mean that I think you are funny with this continuing to have to mention me while doing so. Find another poster to obsess with.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-11-2014, 07:44 AM

. Michelangelo did not need socialism to paint the Sistine Chapel.. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Do you understand what system of government Michelangelo was able to thrive in?

Taxes are a form of socialism. It is how we educate our school children, defend this country build roads and airports....so while many of you make try and lecture Debbie, you might want to know more of the subject matter before doing so.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Now there is the pot calling the kettle black.
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  • 10-11-2014, 08:09 AM
Check out how many threads I have started compared to IFFY. Next check out how many threads I have put a fucking video in. Next if I put a link in.....I do not then put the whole article in , just the relevant part(s). If IFFY does not like being a spammer....then he should quit spamming.

LexusLover's Avatar
...you might want to know more of the subject matter before doing so. Originally Posted by WTF
You mean like the DIFFERENCE between a "check" and "money"?
rioseco's Avatar
We are programmed to think that "socialism" means "communism". We must know the media teaches us that. Please have an open mind and read the definition of "socialism" as follows:

The fundamental goal of socialism from the view of Marx and Engels was the realization of human freedom and individual autonomy. Specifically, this refers to freedom from the alienation imposed upon individuals in the form of coercive social relationships as well as material scarcity, whereby the individual is compelled to engage in activities merely to survive (to reproduce his or herself). The aim of socialism is to provide an environment whereby individuals are free to express their genuine interests, creative freedom, and desires unhindered by forms of social control that force individuals to work for a class of owners who expropriate and live off the surplus product.[9] Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

A stick is not a tree but it originates from the very same !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Look, I'm a pussy ass bitch....just because I spam the forum with the most asinine shit does not mean that anyone thinks I am funny with this continuing to have to mention me while doing so. I will find another poster to obsess with. Originally Posted by WTF
FTFY or FIFY, your choice. At least now it's accurate.