Name that president

  • I supported international terrorism by dealing arms to terrorists and I also granted amnesty to 3 million illegals. - Who am I?

  • I took record surplus created by my predecessor and created record deficits along with crashing the world economy. Who am I?

  • I recovered the US. economy left by my predecessor and restored America's standing in the world and amongst our Allies. Who am I?
Oh, Fuck Off. You're just looking to start shit. I am sure what you have in mind is, none of them are Obama.. Well he's done worse.

Oh, Fuck Off. You're just looking to start shit. I am sure what you have in mind is, none of them are Obama.. Well he's done worse.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

refuse to name them eh? sometimes we look away from the truth.
What's the truth? In your little world of B.S. you probably think the last one pertains to Obama. It doesn't. In fact he's trying to kill you.

What's the truth? In your little world of B.S. you probably think the last one pertains to Obama. It doesn't. In fact he's trying to kill you.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

care to name the first two?
refuse to name them eh? sometimes we look away from the truth. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
And sometimes you just lie.

The economy blows. Even if unemployment is finally getting down to where it was in 2008, the new jobs are burger flipping jobs that don't pay nearly as well as lost jobs.

And the only reason we got unemployment down was because we took on a mountain of debt.

And we are STILL borrowing huge amounts of money with NO end in sight.

The stock market is dropping and it is beginning to look like we (Obama) just created another bubble.

The tech bubble economy collapsed at the end of Clinton's watch, NOT Bush's watch. Clinton got out of office just in time.

Obama may get lucky, too. The economy may go in the tank again just as he is leaving office and mouth breathers like you will blame it on his successor.

And how on earth do you get the idea that Obama has restored our standing in the world? When was the last time you read a newspaper?

The so-called "Arab Spring" has turned to shit and Obama has gotten us back into military involvement in the Muslim world instead of getting us out like he promised. He is now called the "Drone President".

Russia has gone back to invading satellite countries.

And Iran has out maneuvered him and is about to get the bomb. We are now relying on the Iranians to deal with ISIS, so we have lost leverage against Iran's nukes.

If Obama had ignored ISIS and told Iran, Syria and Turkey that it was their problem, those countries would be asking US for help. And we could tell Iran to get rid of its nukes in return for weapons to defeat ISIS. Instead, WE are making concessions to THEM.

How fucked up is that?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
#1 No President

#2 No President

#3 Ronald Reagan
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Which poster has a mental diesease?

1) Zanney
2) I'va
3) bt
4) Assup
5) WDF
6) All of the above

Which poster is a dipshit?

1) Assup

And sometimes you just lie.

The economy blows. Even if unemployment is finally getting down to where it was in 2008, the new jobs are burger flipping jobs that don't pay nearly as well as lost jobs.

and whose fault was it that we lost those jobs to begin with? you can say it we all know the answer.

And the only reason we got unemployment down was because we took on a mountain of debt.

if you credit the bad things that happen under O's presidency to him then he gets credit for the good news as well. - Capish?

And we are STILL borrowing huge amounts of money with NO end in sight.

Still trying to climb out of the culture that Bush created

The stock market is dropping and it is beginning to look like we (Obama) just created another bubble.

LOL beginning to look like? The stock market is nothing but a see-saw my friend we have good cycles and bad ones.

The tech bubble economy collapsed at the end of Clinton's watch, NOT Bush's watch. Clinton got out of office just in time.

LOL. ok

Obama may get lucky, too. The economy may go in the tank again just as he is leaving office and mouth breathers like you will blame it on his successor.

May go into ? but it's not he's doing just fine despite you hoping the worse for this Nation.

And how on earth do you get the idea that Obama has restored our standing in the world? When was the last time you read a newspaper?

Two words > Comparative analysis.

The so-called "Arab Spring" has turned to shit and Obama has gotten us back into military involvement in the Muslim world instead of getting us out like he promised. He is now called the "Drone President".

Lol - He's being a leader and protecting the nation as the Republican chicken hawks so clamor for all the time.

Russia has gone back to invading satellite countries.

No biggie he's marginalized Putin and so Putin is acting out. Continue to support Putin because he will need it. Thus far you Republicans have done an OUTSTANDING job of supporting Putin. Maybe yall looked into his soul and saw that he had a good heart like Bush did.

And Iran has out maneuvered him and is about to get the bomb. We are now relying on the Iranians to deal with ISIS, so we have lost leverage against Iran's nukes.

Only in the mind of a rabid righty has this occurred.

If Obama had ignored ISIS and told Iran, Syria and Turkey that it was their problem, those countries would be asking US for help. And we could tell Iran to get rid of its nukes in return for weapons to defeat ISIS. Instead, WE are making concessions to THEM.

LOL. You know jack shit about geo-politics and it shows. Fact is had Bush not invaded Iraq none of this would be occurring. Saddam for as bad as he was kept Iran in check and served as an unintended Allie of the US. You have the mind set of a rookie. What are you playing checkers while everyone else is playing chess. Due to Bush's ineptness Iran is a separate issue to be dealt with OK moron?

How fucked up is that? Originally Posted by ExNYer
See comments in red
care to name the first two? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
This was already posted once before by another militant butt wad. the whole scheme was the first was Reagan, then George W. Bush and the last Obama. It's all fantasy for the Liberals.

Zanzibar, you often lambaste Barleycorn for his hypocrisy and over-the-top partisanship, and not without justification. But your compendium of posts is nothing more than an across-the-aisle bookend to his.

You're an abject apologist for anything Obama does, aren't you?
Zanzibar, you often lambaste Barleycorn for his hypocrisy and over-the-top partisanship, and not without justification. But your compendium of posts is nothing more than an across-the-aisle bookend to his.

You're an abject apologist for anything Obama does, aren't you? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

No I just think he's unfairly maligned due to jealousy and anger. I'm going to ramble now.

You guys lost in the wake of Bush's total disaster and you tried to turn a blind eye and simply blame Obama. It was very convenient for you guys. Leading up to the 2008 crisis there were no tea party loons screaming about financial responsibility Dems even though they objected to Bush they still worked with him they didn't turn on their country and shut the government down because they couldn't have their way. You guys are like kids you lost and so instead of doing what normal kids do learn from the loss you decided to create havoc for your country by trying to turn citizens and soldiers alike against the "first black pres". Remember the retarded birth certificate issue remember the nut cases out there implying all that wacko shit and you want us to take you seriously.

Get over it he won and your party is severely damaged because of it. Obama I believe had a good heart and wanted to work with Republicans as best he could. The Republicans idea of him working with them was him being a "good boy" and doing as they said. I guess they forgot they lost. So they did anything to obstruct and refuse to compromise on anything and Mitch McConnell even said so. Now turnabout is fair play and Obama should do whatever he can on his way out to get some things resolved. Granting amnesty if it happens will hurt the Republicans for a long time to come with a large new voting bloc. I think had the Republicans approached Obama in good faith from the beginning and didn't let the racism of their constituents cloud their judgement they would be a better position as a political party. So if Repubs win the Senate then Obama will just continue to use the executive branch to do what he needs to do and if they win the senate he will just veto any repeal of the affordable healthcare act. It's that simple.
Whoa! Let's back up for just a moment, shall we?

You quoted me directly, and then addressed that partisan little diatribe to "you guys." But I am neither a Republican, nor a supporter of the very bad 2001-2006 economic policy agenda.

It certainly appears that you're far more interested in seeing Republicans steamrollered than you are in seeing a better policy agenda enacted.

JD Barleycorn and Whirlaway, just to name two, can confirm that I have often called out disingenuous partisan B.S. -- from both sides!
Lama's jealous that he is not as good looking (or as intelligent) as yours truly!

Lama's just a BT wannabe!!
Whoa! Let's back up for just a moment, shall we?

You quoted me directly, and then addressed that partisan little diatribe to "you guys." But I am neither a Republican, nor a supporter of the very bad 2001-2006 economic policy agenda.

It certainly appears that you're far more interested in seeing Republicans steamrollered than you are in seeing a better policy agenda enacted.

JD Barleycorn and Whirlaway, just to name two, can confirm that I have often called out disingenuous partisan B.S. -- from both sides! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

More of my rambling. You dam right. It's partisan because it should be. I'm all for right and what the republicans did to Obama by obstruction and completely being derelict in duty is shameful and disgusting. They openly clamored for the country to fail. There is no sugar coating by trying to sound like you're a middle of the road guy and placing blame on both dems and reps. When blame needs to be shifted to dems then I will concede but on this point NO. Republicans fucked up this country and then drug the tea party out to yell and scream and blame Obama hoping that everyone's attention would be diverted away from their colossal fuck ups that tanked our economy. The tea-party folks are clueless pawns who simply didn't exist before 2008 and it's so obvious and so sad.

Obama tried to work with these folks but like petulant kids they wanted to burn the house down shut the government down and harm America even further. To sit here and act like this is an issue both sides need to be blamed for is to willfully turn a blind eye to reality. Republicans lie their asses off in support of their candidates all the time. They run on family values platforms and all kinds of crazy shit while doing the opposite and trying to shove their beliefs down others throats. I bet all the conservatives on this hooker site are religious until they get home to log in.

John Mccain was the only one who had a shred of decency in 2008 when a woman at a town hall tried to say Obama was Muslim. It's the problem with Republicans they remain quiet in the face of weirdo's and racist creeps in their party and are complicit by virtue of their silence. It's the same thing Muslims face with radical Islam. If you don't object then they will take over your religion / party.

It's in part why Republicans have ZERO credibility. They don't have a big tent and will pay the price in presidential elections for years to come. I always harken back to 2008 and all they did was scheme to stop the first black president because their base wanted it. It was shameless and chicken hearted and most of the Republican supporters on this site still carry that animus.