Serious medical crisis. What's your plan?

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I decided to post this in the coed area vs the ladies area.

I just had a SERIOUS medical crisis. When I mean SERIOUS, I mean I almost died....

I've was in the hospital for 8 days (of hell) and facing a bit of a recovery at home.

Soooooooo....having faced this, I have to ask.

Ladies, what is YOUR plan if you have a serious set back like I did? Will you have back up? Will you have a support system. Do you have savings? Will you be able to get through it with you a roof over your head and a car to drive?

This business can be very lonely so it is easy for some to isolate themselves.

Lucky for me, I have savings, good medical insurance, friends and family.

You never know when you hit a serious wall in life. And yes, it can happen to you.

Do you have a plan of action, just in case life takes a difficult turn?
corona's Avatar
Scary and it sucks you had that experience. Glad you're on the mend.

But, since you mentioned posting it in Coed vs the private area, what was your thoughts for doing so? It seems like you're only asking the other providers here.

Not trying to start a fight, I'm genuinely curious.
lda523287's Avatar
I decided to post this in the coed area vs the ladies area.

I just had a SERIOUS medical crisis. When I mean SERIOUS, I mean I almost died....

I've was in the hospital for 8 days (of hell) and facing a bit of a recovery at home.

Soooooooo....having faced this, I have to ask.

Ladies, what is YOUR plan if you have a serious set back like I did? Will you have back up? Will you have a support system. Do you have savings? Will you be able to get through it with you a roof over your head and a car to drive?

This business can be very lonely so it is easy for some to isolate themselves.

Lucky for me, I have savings, good medical insurance, friends and family.

You never know when you hit a serious wall in life. And yes, it can happen to you.

Do you have a plan of action, just in case life takes a difficult turn? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Sorry to hear about your misfortune, nonetheless, I'm glad you're O.K. and hope you continue to be so. Very thought provoking thread and maybe it'll reach someone.
TheEccie214's Avatar
First of all, I'm very glad you're ok, you know I love ya.

Great point about the business being lonely. Guys are all about you if you're sucking their dick but when you're not they probably don't call much.

Hope ladies share and others learn from this thread.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Scary and it sucks you had that experience. Glad you're on the mend.

But, since you mentioned posting it in Coed vs the private area, what was your thoughts for doing so? It seems like you're only asking the other providers here.

Not trying to start a fight, I'm genuinely curious. Originally Posted by corona
I would think there are a lot of men with a large amounts of disposable income here that probably have good financial advice. I also think this can be an eye-opener for some guys to realize these ladies are people, not just fuck dolls.
Regardless of what you do for a living, you should have a few months of living expenses stashed away for just such a circumstance. That should be in addition to long term retirement savings. With that said, I am glad you are ok.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm slowly coming out of the other side of this.

Back in October, I had a planned surgery. I had saved for it, saved for the time off.. was prepared, etc.

Then in November, shit went sideways. I found myself in the hospital having a total of 2 more surgeries over the course of 8 weeks.

The collective issues of 3 surgeries and a 6 week break that turned into a 4 month break just about ended me. My savings are drained. I've sold some belongings. If not for a few great regulars and friends I would have drowned. I'm still not fully on my feet-- but I'm better now than I was a couple months ago.

Its important to have savings-- its important to have a back up plan. But even then, its not always going to be enough. You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.
rcinokc's Avatar
Guys are all about you if you're sucking their dick but when you're not they probably don't call much. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Always heard that calling for anything except to book an appointment was a no-no, being a "time waster". However, it is an important subject to discuss as not a whole lot of people are prepared for a catastrophic illness or injury. Glad you're on the mend Kaylee, hope you're back in action soon !
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thanks everyone.

I posted it in the COED area because a lot of ladies don't visit the ladies area.

I also posted because if I can get one lady or person to sit back and re-think their plan, I've done my job.

You never know when life will jump up and bite you in the ass.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-15-2017, 03:27 PM

Great point about the business being lonely. Guys are all about you if you're sucking their dick but when you're not they probably don't call much. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Sad but true about guys calling for besides that, life can do a 180 in a blink of an eye, always have a back up plan.
i never shoot my last bullet in case i need it for myself.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
i have afflack... no seriously, and savings. Plus a very supportful family and friends whom all know what i do for a living so i can be totally open with. You certainly have to look out for yourself in this business.

Also i JUST KNOW i have over a hand full of clients who will send me money in a heart beat if i seriously needed it, come pick me up take me places, help me get things done etc if i fell seriously ill or injured.

And actually it has happened before i was in a horrible car crash about 2 years ago and had to take a month to recover... 2 clients put money in my pay pal once they found out didn't even have to ask. A few others came to see me, and offered to run errands for me.

This is why i absoluetly LOVE this profession. Once you have been around for a while you can come out with some really great relationships.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I rarely cross my real world with my hobby world but I KNOW I have a few who would come up to bat for me as well.

It is ALWAYS good to have a plan.

Afllack huh? I think I need to look into it.
TheEccie214's Avatar
i have afflack... no seriously, and savings. Plus a very supportful family and friends whom all know what i do for a living so i can be totally open with. You certainly have to look out for yourself in this business.

Also i JUST KNOW i have over a hand full of clients who will send me money in a heart beat if i seriously needed it, come pick me up take me places, help me get things done etc if i fell seriously ill or injured.

And actually it has happened before i was in a horrible car crash about 2 years ago and had to take a month to recover... 2 clients put money in my pay pal once they found out didn't even have to ask. A few others came to see me, and offered to run errands for me.

This is why i absoluetly LOVE this profession. Once you have been around for a while you can come out with some really great relationships. Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
We know, you're fucking great and have the world by the balls and you're better than everyone here. Amazing how you claim so many love you since everyone here seems to hate you.

Supportful - where do you come up with these words? Don't you have a spell check that shows you're making up words or do you have the ghetto app that helps make up nonsense words?
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
We know, you're fucking great and have the world by the balls and you're better than everyone here. Amazing how you claim so many love you since everyone here seems to hate you.

Supportful - where do you come up with these words? Don't you have a spell check that shows you're making up words or do you have the ghetto app that helps make up nonsense words? Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Yes it is very sad that i could not be the wonderful escort i am destined to be in Dallas, but greener pastures awaited me.

Yes i know i don't really TRY to be all that i can be on this board lmao , so sometimes typos don't get corrected... if u havent noticeiced sometimes i missspeellss on purpose because i know it will help reseverse some of the damammage i have done to you with my posts so you can begin to feel like a "maam" err "man" again.

Don't worry eccie214 love, time heals all wounds.

I have always been a proud escort so crossing my personal life with clients whom are true friends and interested in me for more than just whats between my legs, and have proven it by doing things for me without getting in between my legs as a reward, i do not mind letting them into my world AT ALL.

We adore each other and they just like seeing me happy. They are just as harmless to me as I am to them.
I wake up with good intentions everyday that i wake up. And i will die with good intentions.

Can you say the same? eccie214, cause anybody i treated on this mofo came at me first and i just replied. It's not my fault they can't keep up.

I never said it made me better, maybe just more clever, and that goes for rate sturcuture too, i never said i was better, i'm just more clever.


I plan on still being around when i am 40yrs old maybe even 45, i can't help it this laregly makes me happy in my life, wouldn't trade it to be anything else in life Baby! I might be in another country by then if i am still escorting by 40 i might be done moved to France or something and learned french, or maybe even to a rich part of Africa, the possibilities are endless my love.
