
To me be classy is being repsectful,being yourself and be nice...anyone care to add and example of what classy is to them or an example you were impressed by someone or thing...It can be in or out of the hobby...
awl4knot's Avatar
To me be classy is being repsectful,being yourself and be nice...anyone care to add and example of what classy is to them or an example you were impressed by someone or thing...It can be in or out of the hobby... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
To me "class" included a generosity of spirit, personal grace, confidence and understated polish. "Classy" is always quiet, low key and unassuming."Classy" is gracious in both victory and defeat. "Classy" admits mistakes and does right without recriminations. "Classy" is good manners and civility to all. "Classy" knows how to order wine but is happy with PBR at the local dive bar. "Classy" does nice things that no one knows about. "Classy" says thank you and means it.

Finally, class can't be bought. Just ask Gatsby.
Eccie Addict's Avatar

During my time here on the this site I have met and talked to alot of great people and like you men have your "To do list" I know I personally have a "To see list". I have spend alot of time talking and getting to know one hobbyist and we were to meet tonight and due to an unavoidable situation our "date" has been put on hold and I want this man to know how disappointed I am to know you are finally so close yet so far and I know we will meet soon...But know you are a great guy from our conversations and I look forward to meeting you and seeing exactly what you can handle..(private joke)....If there is someone you want to send a special message to feel free to do so on this thread....wicked frown...
Very classy
Wakeup's Avatar
Classy is when I apologize to the girl after I fart under the covers...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
^Do you really apologize for it cause I just see you (and her) laughing about it lol.
Classy is when I apologize to the girl after I fart under the covers... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Lol... play turtle much?
PAPA JOE's Avatar
you're a classy lady, IV, i can attest to that.
DallasRain's Avatar
Great post & great answers!!!

To me classy is all about attitude!
Very well said awl4knot....I totally agree with you...
I could not have said any better....
To me "class" included a generosity of spirit, personal grace, confidence and understated polish. "Classy" is always quiet, low key and unassuming."Classy" is gracious in both victory and defeat. "Classy" admits mistakes and does right without recriminations. "Classy" is good manners and civility to all. "Classy" knows how to order wine but is happy with PBR at the local dive bar. "Classy" does nice things that no one knows about. "Classy" says thank you and means it.

Finally, class can't be bought. Just ask Gatsby. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Still Looking's Avatar
Classy is as Classy does!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think its all about attitude. This is a fairly overused word I see in ad's all the time, often quite comical, Ive seen ads that said "I'm classy" and in the picture there spread eagle in a hotel bathroom mirror lol If your having to say you are you probably aren't. lol however there are some exceptions, I do know some that say they are and well...they are
Its all in how you carry yourself and personal behavior that makes you classy
Still Looking's Avatar
Without Class you get......only ass!
If a person is "classy", then he or she strives to ensure the people that surround them feel comfortable at all times.

However, "classiness" may be an overrated virtue.

I mean, there is a time and place to treat everyone with respect (in business settings, etc.)

However, I've been noticing that more openness and honesty exist in the personal realm. I guess that's a good thing. I mean people should be able to freely express themselves in a personal setting. Right?
burkalini's Avatar
To me class is no bullshit honesty. To be able to stand on the true you. Anything else is just a cover.