
shorty's Avatar
With the holiday season amongst us, I'm starting to notice ladies running Holiday Specials. When someone runs a Holiday Special or a Seasonal (i.e. Winter or Summer) Special, is the special only good for however long the lady wants to run the special? Should the lady have a date for how long the special is going for?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Shorty, by asking the question, I think you answered it

With the holiday season amongst us, I'm starting to notice ladies running Holiday Specials. When someone runs a Holiday Special or a Seasonal (i.e. Winter or Summer) Special, is the special only good for however long the lady wants to run the special? Should the lady have a date for how long the special is going for? Originally Posted by shorty
burkalini's Avatar
Shorty I'm real skeptical when it comes to specials. Normally it's not much of a deal so you either want to see or you don't. The word special comes up about 100 times a day in my area and they are usually the same price as regular. If it's a real discount I don't think you will get much of a guarantee past the day it's in print
shorty's Avatar
Shorty I'm real skeptical when it comes to specials. Normally it's not much of a deal so you either want to see or you don't. The word special comes up about 100 times a day in my area and they are usually the same price as regular. If it's a real discount I don't think you will get much of a guarantee past the day it's in print Originally Posted by burkalini
I do see where your coming from Burk! I just had a experience about a lady that was running a $100 off special for 2hrs and checked her up on it. Needless to say, she wasn't running the special and say I could afford her rate, anyways! WTF!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I am special everyday.
If the girl is special it is a special
Cpalmson's Avatar
I do see where your coming from Burk! I just had a experience about a lady that was running a $100 off special for 2hrs and checked her up on it. Needless to say, she wasn't running the special and say I could afford her rate, anyways! WTF!!! Originally Posted by shorty
That is just dumb business acumen and patronizing to the nth degree. Of course you can afford her normal rates. You know it; she knows it. If you couldn't afford the normal rates, you wouldn't be in the hobby. The whole reason you run specials is to attract those who can afford you but might not be willing to go all-in. It was like the time I was buying a house. The Realtor took me to house that I could afford, but I wasn't going to pay the asking price. The Realtor flat out told me "I know you can afford it". Needless to say, I stopped using that Realtor.
  • LynnT
  • 12-06-2011, 07:38 AM
I personally run "specials" when I want the "quick cash", not because its a holiday or being slow. I have something special to buy thats costly.. Like I do now, I need something costly and Very important to my day business and I need it rather quickly, I cant depend on my steady flow I need it quicker than that.

I also call it a rate incentive.

Sometimes I discount a session but usually its more time added for the same price.
If I ever run an ad for a special it will always have a "void by" date on it.
Mature Companion's Avatar
That may be true with some. But don't be too quick to label all ladies like that.

I for one do indeed enjoy running specials. Esp. during football season.
It's fun and it keeps football all the more exciting to watch.

Damn straight they're good specials. And those specials damn sure have a guarantee to them as long as the gent takes advantage of said special, during the allotted time frame. (I have yet to have one man say I renigged on a special I offered). Rather some guys tell me that I'm too generous with my specials. I disagree. I enjoy men and this is my hobby so I can do things my way.

There's gimmicks and then there's real fun specials.

Shorty I'm real skeptical when it comes to specials. Normally it's not much of a deal so you either want to see or you don't. The word special comes up about 100 times a day in my area and they are usually the same price as regular. If it's a real discount I don't think you will get much of a guarantee past the day it's in print Originally Posted by burkalini
jaydalee's Avatar
I did offer Holiday specials for a limited time.If a lady is running a special it should have the dates of when the specials will be good for.If no date is mentioned than many will assume the special is still valid.Best to ask if in doubt.
i will run a special for many reasons
but they are not "forever" specials
i usually have my special posted on a blog, site, etc
when the specials over---i delete it.

whenever making dates, i ALWAYS direct the gent to where he can find my rate or discount...so there is no confusion, and were on the same page
London Rayne's Avatar
That is just dumb business acumen and patronizing to the nth degree. Of course you can afford her normal rates. You know it; she knows it. If you couldn't afford the normal rates, you wouldn't be in the hobby. The whole reason you run specials is to attract those who can afford you but might not be willing to go all-in. It was like the time I was buying a house. The Realtor took me to house that I could afford, but I wasn't going to pay the asking price. The Realtor flat out told me "I know you can afford it". Needless to say, I stopped using that Realtor. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
You should hear the whole story lol. She actually contacted him first asking why he never saw her yet, then pulled that crap when he asked about a special she was running. Some women assume that because a guy might spend oh say 2 or 3k on one provider, that he must do it will all of them.

This is why some guys stopped writing reviews as it was a way of telling others how much money they might have to spend. That does not mean the guy "wants" to spend that on every provider lol. Some women take it as an insult if he sees one for 10 hours and only sees them for an hour...duh it's his choice so get over it! The same men who only see me for an hour or two have done overnights with others...their choice!

I know each and every one of you I have seen here could afford to pay the regular rate, but offering extra time or a discount upfront is not for my benefit...it's for yours. I treat my gents well from jump.

If I made a public special, that would be for me to draw in more business though many women will say otherwise.
I run specials occasionally - there is one site that I offer a discounted rate to members of that site only; on a veeeerrrrryyyy rare basis I'll run a special on all of my ads.

Now is one of those times.. but it's kind of a tricky one because I'm offering a discount in accordance with what someone donates (I'm collecting items to donate to a local battered womens' shelter). So yes, it's a special rate for the appointment itself - as long as you donate stuff to my cause.
I give special rates to people I see on a regular basis...as well as I have given "specials" to those here I have build a reporre and want to meet the person behind the persona...