The First Lady's Speech

Good Lord, you would hardly know that she was talking about the biggest Narcissist who has ever served as President.

Sorry, Lady, his actions speak MUCH louder than your words.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It was a kick ass speech. Much better than Ann Romney's.

But I don't expect Republican to much like it. Both conventions are aiming at their own base. It's a polarized country and there are very few true undecided voters. But just from a technical standpoint, there were three superlative speeches tonight. Julien Casto's, Michele Obama's, and best of all, Duval Patrick's. I thought that all three of them hit it out of the park.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I spared myself the speeches, like most of the country. No one cares. No one is watching. Conventions are pretty much meaningless anymore. They play to the faithful, but other than that, no one cares.

Tomorrow, Clinton speaks, and it's the opener for the NFL. Want to guess which will get higher ratings?
Julien Castros Speech would have fit right in with the Republican Theme of giving individules the opportunity to achieve.

He tries to be a good Democrat, but anybody who knows anything about San Antonio's economy knows he governs like a fiscal conservative.
daty/o's Avatar
TTH, I agree completely; three excellent speeches. Texas needs more strong leaders like Julien.
We have another great Hispanic headed for the US Senate, Ted Cruz.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I watched the speeches and I was left with the impression of a bunch of people jerking off in the dark.

As for Castro; he and his brother have been playing games with the electorate, doing race baiting, and very deceptive campaign practices. I am not impressed and his brother is likely to lose. Almost forgot, their mother is hooked up with La Raza the racist organization. So he is the heir to a political person and not an "average" guy like so many democrats.

Funny, I don't see Ted Cruz as a great Hispanic. I see him as a great American conservative.

Heard Michelle say that if one family is struggling then we are all struggling...what happened to Barack's brother? Isn't he struggling? Hell, a hundred dollars a month and he could live a good life but good ole Barry refuses to help his brother. So much for his misquote of being his brother's keeper.
shouldn't you be grading papers??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Keep spring the venom man. It becomes you so.

I guess Romney's bump after his coronation --one stinking point -- means the vitriolis energizing voters. So is the lying.

I'm looking forward to 1,000 years of darkness.

TexTushHog's Avatar
I am not impressed and his brother is likely to lose. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How on earth do you figure Joaquin will loose his Congressional race in Tex-20. It's 2/3 Hispanic and probably as a DPI of over 60%. He's a shoe in.

And a hell of a nice guy. I've never met Julien, but those I know who have say he's a great guy, too.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
shouldn't you be grading papers?? Originally Posted by ekim008
Don't you have to be able to read to grade papers?

Because if you can read, then you should know George isn't struggling. Unless you read what people say about him instead of reading what he says about himself.

Or we can come at this from a different angle.

Like the angle that jd doesn't give a good god-damn about anybody in Africa. Except one of the people who needs or wants his concern the least. And what does jd's concern stem from?
Trick question!
He has no concern for him.
Despite what George says, jd's sole use for George is nothing more than using him as a club.

What a douche.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-05-2012, 04:06 AM
Good Lord, you would hardly know that she was talking about the biggest Narcissist who has ever served as President.

Sorry, Lady, his actions speak MUCH louder than your words. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Says the angry old white man.
Says the angry old white man. Originally Posted by Doove
Just an old white man, not angry.

That would make a great bumper sticker. "Old White Guys, the REAL minority".
couldnt watch it...that nor julian castro...watching them makes my stomach churn...

i did hear some talking heads... appears in their speeches they gave lip service to individual achievement because some focus group said to...and then seems it was government to the rescue all the way for both..and barack? he's a saint who will take care of you because he cares.

and oh yeah he was poor..because as a college kid..he took a hand me down table or something or other..what a joke.

one more poor story by all these rich ppl will make me puke

there is just so much dishonesty in all these people do and say its disheartening
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2012, 06:57 AM

one more poor story by all these rich ppl will make me puke

there is just so much dishonesty in all these people do and say its disheartening
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Are you talking about Ann Romney's speech? The one where they ate off a ironing board?