Princess Michelle relates a fairy tale of (phony) struggles...the truth is completely different...

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-05-2012, 10:35 AM

Obie graduated from Harvard in 1991, married michelle in 1992 assuming they dated before they got married ... the article is from 1993

makes sense if you dont do the math.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The biggest lie (and if forced me to change channels) was her professed love for the military. She said that she has always been proud of our country...oops, I guess that was a lie too and we have the video to prove it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-05-2012, 11:02 AM
The biggest lie (and if forced me to change channels) was her professed love for the military. She said that she has always been proud of our country...oops, I guess that was a lie too and we have the video to prove it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
by all means, prove it
she did tell one truth:

being president revealed who obama really is
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-05-2012, 02:20 PM
nothing from jdsl, as usual
I guess Barleybrains is having trouble getting the FAUX-edited clip when Michelle said she had never been "PROUDER" of her country in one clip and never been "as proud" of her country in a second clip referring OF COURSE to when her husband was elected President.
Princess Michelle relates a fairy tale of (phony) struggles...the truth is completely different...

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Governm...le-of-Struggle Originally Posted by Whirlaway

And the only research that nets them any upwardly mobile info is AFTER Obama graduated and got a good job in the early 1990's ??????

LMAO! Whirly you need different reading material or you need to pay closer attention.
Here is the CSPAN video of Princess Michelle.......she says "first time I am really proud of my country...."

At around 11:15 of the video....it is clear. She didn't say "prouder" as Little Stevie claims.


This clip is from the CSPAN archives...not Fox, CNN, or MSNBC.

She wasn't proud of her country in how we responded to came together immediately after 9/11 and help new york?
She wasn't proud of her country in the massive aid and help we extended to the Tsunami victims in 2004?

I guess not.
CJ, what JD is referring to is when she said "I am finally proud to be an American" during NOBama's first campaign. That definitely disproves her recent statement that she has alwasy been proud of our country. She loves America about as much as Hanoi Jane loves our troops.
Here is the CSPAN video of Princess Michelle.......she says "first time I am really proud of my country...."

At around 11:15 of the video....it is clear. She didn't say "prouder" as Little Stevie claims.


This clip is from the CSPAN archives...not Fox, CNN, or MSNBC.

She wasn't proud of her country in how we responded to came together immediately after 9/11 and help new york?
She wasn't proud of her country in the massive aid and help we extended to the Tsunami victims in 2004?

I guess not. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

i'm going on my memory but i think there is another clip where after receiving criticism for the first "proud" comment , she changed a subsequent comment to soften it
Of course she would try to change it to soften it. She got caught with her pants down.
BigLouie's Avatar
2 rich families trying to out-poor one another is sad..................

But Princess Michelle's obvious hatred for America is pathetic.
Got any posts of Ann Romney's unpatriotic anti-American statements for us BL?