I Can't Believe I Beat JD to This!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here it is. The trailer to Atlas Shrugged II, The Strike.


It will be good. I like the line "The government takes what it wants, and taxes the rest."
joe bloe's Avatar
I saw part one of Atlas Shrugged. I have to admit I thought the acting was awful. I hope part two will be better. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were originally cast to be in Atlas Shrugged back in 2006. I can't imagine why, since they're both hard core lefties.
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  • 09-05-2012, 10:33 PM
I saw part one of Atlas Shrugged. I have to admit I thought the acting was awful. I hope part two will be better. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were originally cast to be in Atlas Shrugged back in 2006. I can't imagine why, since they're both hard core lefties. Originally Posted by joe bloe
WTF Shrugged
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  • 09-05-2012, 11:14 PM
I saw part one of Atlas Shrugged. I have to admit I thought the acting was awful. I hope part two will be better. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were originally cast to be in Atlas Shrugged back in 2006. I can't imagine why, since they're both hard core lefties. Originally Posted by joe bloe
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Atlas Shrugged is one movie divided into three parts. The first third of any screenplay is character developement. That is why the first movie was so slow. Not everyone knows who Dagney Taggart or Henry Reardon are. Yeah, I am on a list to get the information early. I got the notification two days ago but haven't had time to watch the trailer yet.
joe bloe's Avatar
Atlas Shrugged is one movie divided into three parts. The first third of any screenplay is character developement. That is why the first movie was so slow. Not everyone knows who Dagney Taggart or Henry Reardon are. Yeah, I am on a list to get the information early. I got the notification two days ago but haven't had time to watch the trailer yet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I liked going to see Atlas Shrugged partly because I felt like almost everyone in the audience was a conservative. It felt like going to church, which I haven't done since childhood. I felt the same way when I saw 2016 and when I was waiting in line at Chick-fil-A.

I think that a desire for a sense of community is very strong among conservatives; it's partly why people go to Tea Party Rallies and Glenn Beck rallies.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-06-2012, 12:50 PM
I liked going to see Atlas Shrugged partly because I felt like almost everyone in the audience was a conservative. It felt like going to church, which I haven't done since childhood. I felt the same way when I saw 2016 and when I was waiting in line at Chick-fil-A.

I think that a desire for a sense of community is very strong among conservatives; it's partly why people go to Tea Party Rallies and Glenn Beck rallies. Originally Posted by joe bloe

we're so insecure, and intelectually challenged we dont feel comfortable when we are outside our own circle of idiots.

I B Hankering's Avatar

we're so insecure, and intelectually challenged we dont feel comfortable when we are outside our own circle of idiots.

snick Originally Posted by CJ7
LovingKayla's Avatar
I saw 2016 this past weekend and I have to say, I'm not impressed. I've known all that stuff and far more from "yes, really" Beck. If youd just listen to a couple of his programs at 5, you'd be so far up to date that movie would look like child's play. I mean duh. Who didn't know that stuff already ?
joe bloe's Avatar
I saw 2016 this past weekend and I have to say, I'm not impressed. I've known all that stuff and far more from "yes, really" Beck. If youd just listen to a couple of his programs at 5, you'd be so far up to date that movie would look like child's play. I mean duh. Who didn't know that stuff already ? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I think the target audience for 2016 is probably the average person that doesn't live and breath politics the way many of us on this board do. There is a lot more scary stuff in Obama's history than what was in 2016.

You have to be careful with revealing negative information on a politcal candidate; it can backfire. I think that's the reason that Romney, or even his surrogates, don't go after Obama with everything they've got. The movie may have been less aggressive because of the same concern.
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  • 09-06-2012, 09:49 PM
And if you Tea Nuts listened to Art Bell, you'd be up to date on Alien landings!

Allot of people listen to sports radio and think they could coach a football team. That is how nutty you nuts sound. Carry on in the Tea Nut Asylum. Don't mind us monitors, we just checking in to make sure you haven't shit yourself with all this crazy talk!