You won't find Wretching Madcow telling its audience this:

I B Hankering's Avatar

Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Odumbo days

According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Odumbo.

During Odumbo’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Odumbo, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700...

... counting all those employees -- 24 for Michelle Odumbo and nine for the current first lady -- Melania Trump's office is relatively small.

Wonder how MOOCHelle's Mom took the news since she was on the payroll during MOOCHelle's "reign " at the White House ? Don't think Melania's Mom is on staff similarly !
LexusLover's Avatar
Smart business women don't need that much staff, plus Melanie can plan her own international shopping sprees, as she has done the entire time she's been married to the President....and she doesn't need a translator.
bamscram's Avatar
No more time than the Trumps spend in the White House extra help is not needed.
Wonder how MOOCHelle's Mom took the news since she was on the payroll during MOOCHelle's "reign " at the White House ? Don't think Melania's Mom is on staff similarly ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Laughed at it more than likely. And i never understood WHY Moochelle's two kids needed a bloody nanny?