The ladies first time?

empire_song's Avatar
I've always been kind of curious what the 'first' time encounter is like for the ladies, from their perspective when they admit '...well Im a real hooker now'?

Sure we know why the ladies start in this job (apart from Crack for some) but I've always though this is a difficult profession not knowing just who or what is going to knock on that door or ring the door bell your first day at the massage pallor. I'm actually quite sympathetic to your plight ladies (apart form the bitches and pimps who want to rob and f@@k you over etc)

If its any comfort ladies my first encounter was none too pleasant either. But 20 yrs later Im still at it!! Occasionally we do meet super star ladies who make it all worth while

First time I got paid? Or first time I realized what I was getting paid for! hahahaha The men in my world are all kinds of fucked up growing up - they put the FUN in dysfunctional!!

I knew way too early all I wanted to do was paid to get laid! There can be bizarre bit of female empowerment when you can understand exactly what kind of attention you can demand by simply being all the woman you want to be.