To all the lovely Ladies and horny Basterds here :

CG2014's Avatar

for the ladies

for the horny Basterds

May Santa bring you all you ever wished for and not leave a coal in your stockings again this Christmas.
haha You are the MAN! I've got an all new respect for you after reading your most recent reviews. Happy Holidays dude!
CG2014's Avatar
haha You are the MAN! I've got an all new respect for you after reading your most recent reviews. Happy Holidays dude! Originally Posted by cage196
Happy Festivus, Sir!
CG2014's Avatar

Since we all have been naughty here the past year....

I presume Santa is putting a coal in all of our stockings.
CG2014's Avatar
no need to start a new thread

Be safe out there tonight and don't drink and drive.

Uber and Lyft is cheaper than getting charged with a DWI: paying fines, multiple trips to the courts, getting an attorney, serving jail time and losing your driver's license and possibly even your job.