License plate reading (LPR) cameras

I was reading this article and wondering if leo may be using them. Just wondering if any one has noticed
this kind of activity. Before reading the article I had no concerns but now I do have some. I will stay more alert when visiting incalls set up at the hotels.
  • pyro
  • 02-26-2016, 05:36 PM
I was reading this article and wondering if leo may be using them. Just wondering if any one has noticed
this kind of activity. Before reading the article I had no concerns but now I do have some. I will stay more alert when visiting incalls set up at the hotels. Originally Posted by Jesterjest
ALPR Cameras and software are in use with LE
City of Houston no longer have them in place at traffic cameras.
Before an officer exits his/her vehicle they already know if you
have warrants, a valid license, insurance, registration, ccw permit.
Smaller cities like Sugarland have them in place. As long as
you don't have any warrants and yours tags are up to date you
shouldn't flag. If a bolo is issued on your vehicle any LE will have
that update in less than a hour prolly sooner. Make sure LE doesnt
have any reason to pull you over. Play safe...

Even more infrastructure to facilitate communism.
1984 is finally made it I here...

Big Brother is watching
eccieuser9500's Avatar
1984 is finally . . . here...

Big Brother is watching
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat

1984 arrived exactly on 9/12/2001. Communism in the name of patriotism
Before this technology, idiots in Dallas were writing down plates, running them, and sending "shame" letters to their home addresses. At least one club I know would immediately put license place covers on every car they valeted.

I can't help but think that human nature doesn't change.

This (actually not so) new technology would make it easy for any PD to hassle any club by simply driving their lot and then going into the club to grab anyone on whom they got a hit for any minor infraction.

Has anybody heard of that happening?
Guest100116's Avatar
West U and Bellaire have then mounted on all their patrol cars.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Think thats scary? They can be and have been used passively, meaning that they're on all the time collecting data as police cars drive around town. Those data are stored and can be used to form maps over time as vehicles get picked up multiple times showing where specific vehicles have been, routes taken, patterns of behavior, etc.

The ACLU obtained a mere 8 days worth of data from the Oakland, Ca police department (after a fight, they didn't want to give up the info) and were able to construct quite the picture from the 63,000 datapoints captured, and they don't even have any in fixed locations. Imagine if there were LPR systems positioned in various spots citywide effectively tracking and mapping our every move.

Big Brother is watching...
Imagine if there were LPR systems positioned in various spots citywide effectively tracking and mapping our every move. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
That already exists, sort of, for some folks.

If you have an EZTag, there are tag readers all over the city. You only get charged on the toll roads, of course, but the data is gathered to create those real-time traffic maps we all use.

Back before the tags and the roadside readers, there were a few dozen people in town who had jobs with a service that provided drive-time road condition updates to the media. Their jobs were to get on the freeways every morning, drive downtown, drive back out, and repeat those trips as many times as possible. They radioed in their positions at certain checkpoints and, from their drive times, the traffic info was compiled and sent to radio and TV stations who paid a pretty penny for that info.

Now that business is gone. There are enough people out there with location broadcasting devices that doing it manually is completely unnecessary.

Here's what's fun - all that would be required is a court order (or sloppy server administration) for someone to compile a pretty damn complete list of everywhere anyone with a toll tag drives on major roads in the metro area.

People who don't own tinfoil hats just aren't paying attention.
LexusLover's Avatar
A surprising number of folks around this town are driving a vehicle that is not registered in their name, so the LP won't yield much information regarding the driver, and if their is an EZ tag on the vehicle it doesn't necessarily come back to the driver either.
  • cr76
  • 02-28-2016, 01:17 PM
Does this camera sit on the roof of the car in front of the lights. Saw an suv cruiser, there's was a tiny flicker of a red light light in front of the main roof lights lights. Saw that and thought of this thread.
General comments to various comments:

I'm thinking they are grill/bumper mounted camera. Maybe front and rear.. I mount a gopro like that.

Only transtar gets data like that. Google for example gets the data from

eztag readers are now available to the public. Parking garages now use them to allow entry. They don't necessarily know who you are unless you tell the. But ditto on court orders

So i guess when i try to get my plate renewed for a vehicle that is over due on inspection, they'll ask me the age old question: have you driven the vehicle with expired tags?

As always, I'll lie and say no.

then, she'll probably print a map of all the sightings.....and have me arrested.
People who don't own tinfoil hats just aren't paying attention. Originally Posted by FormerSanta
I always don my hat before logging on to Eccie...

One for every day of the week...

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