did you hear the one about the swedish sjw who stopped a deportation?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Woman refuses to sit down on flight in effort to stop man's deportation to Afghanistan, dramatic video shows


By Kathleen Joyce | Fox News

A Swedish woman live-streamed her dramatic efforts to stop an asylum seeker from being deported to Afghanistan, refusing to sit down as their flight prepared to leave and leading authorities to escort both her and the man from the plane.

Elin Ersson, 21, a student at the University of Gothenburg, broadcast her attempt to stop a flight from Gothenburg to Turkey on Monday. Ersson and other asylum activists discovered a 52-year-old Afghan man on the flight was being deported to Kabul, Afghanistan, Deutsche Well reported.

The student started her live-stream as soon as she got on the plane. The video had been viewed more than 2.5 million times as of Wednesday morning. Ersson said she would not take her seat until the asylum seeker was removed from the flight, saying the man would most likely be killed in Afghanistan.

A steward asked her to turn off her phone, but Ersson refused.

“I am doing what I can to save a person’s life. As long as a person is standing up the pilot cannot take off," she said. "All I want to do is stop the deportation and then I will comply with the rules here. This is all perfectly legal and I have not committed a crime."

Ersson received backlash from several passengers, including a man who told her to turn off her phone because it was upsetting people. The man attempted to take her phone but a flight attendant was able to retrieve the device and return it to Ersson. Another man, heard off camera, told Ersson that it’s her country’s rule she’s protesting. She replied she was “trying to change the rules.”

“It’s not right to send people to hell,” Ersson told the passenger.

The student said a few people were applauding her effort, including a Turkish man who said she was “doing the right thing.”

“It felt good, when the Turkish guy started talking to me and making sure that I knew I wasn’t alone,” Ersson said. “It felt really good. He was saying what I was doing was right.”

Later in the video, Ersson said she witnessed the Afghan man’s bags being cleared. The asylum seeker was removed from the plane, according to Swedavia, the company that runs the Landvetter Airport in Gothenberg.

Deutsche Well reported Ersson was also removed from the plane by airport security.

Local media reported the asylum seeker had vanished, but Deutsche Welle reported he was in custody and scheduled to be deported at another time.

let's pay homage to our little Swedish snowflake, shall we?

here is our little swede snowflake doing what social justice warriors do .. make an idiot of themselves ...



Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault


Elin Ersson’s ‘citizen-activism’ comes at a heavy price


Douglas Murray

Last week, a 22-year old Swede called Elin Ersson made headlines around the world for her ‘citizen-activism’. Learning that a failed asylum seeker from Afghanistan was to be deported from her country, she bought a seat on the plane that was due to take him part of the way back home (as far as Turkey). Once she was on board the plane Ersson refused to sit down. Filming the whole thing on her mobile phone (natch) Ms Ersson insisted that to send the failed asylum-seeker to his home country would be consigning him to ‘death’ because Afghanistan is ‘hell’. After about 15 minutes of this Ms Ersson got her way. The Afghan migrant was taken off the flight. Some passengers applauded. Ms Ersson cried. And soon she was being lauded as the Millennials’ answer to Rosa Parks.

The self-appointed leaders of the sisterhood were especially vocal. A writer at the website that used to be the Independent told us that Ms Ersson has shown us ‘how effective individual action can be.’ Britain’s Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott, applauded the ‘brave action by this young student’. And Caroline Lucas MP – joint leader of Britain’s Green Party – tweeted out motivationally ‘If ever you think one person can’t make a difference, then watch this! Huge respect to Elin Ersson, a student at Gothenburg university, for – literally – standing up for what she believes in. A true inspiration.’

Of course anyone with any knowledge of the facts could tell you that the real headline story here should have been ‘Sweden actually deports failed asylum-seeker’. In the last few years alone, Sweden has taken in around a hundred thousand people who the country itself recognises have no right to be there. For in 2015, Sweden, like Germany, opened up its borders to the world and only after the world had come did the Swedish authorities ask who in the world was there.

It is also not as though the process of deportation in Sweden is entirely arbitrary or without checks. Each migrant to Sweden has ample opportunity to explain why they believe they have a right to asylum in the country. And if their application is turned down they have plenty of opportunities to appeal that decision. This whole process goes on for years until it is finally unresolved. The most common ending for those judged to have no legitimate asylum claim is that they then simply disappear into the country. Very few illegals with no right to be in Sweden ever actually do get deported.

So one thing that anybody could tell was that Ms Ersson’s 52-year old Afghan migrant was an anomaly. And there are often reasons for anomalies. Sure enough, in the days since Ms Ersson became famous it has turned out that her 52-year old failed asylum seeker had reportedly been issued a two-year prison sentence in Sweden for assault. This sentence is on the harsh side in Sweden for an assault charge, so it will be interesting to discover just how severe the assault was that Ms Ersson’s illegal migrant was convicted of, and who the victim – or victims – of that assault might have been. As ever in such cases there is a difficulty getting the specifics. Firstly because so few people – including very few media – want to chase up the facts. And secondly because the authorities try to keep the rulings in specific asylum cases from public view. I am told that so far no local media have been able to get hold of the details of the assault case involving the man Ms Ersson has ‘saved’. Perhaps we shall find out at some point.

In any case, what is interesting about this case – like many similar cases I document in my recent book – is the tilt in the moral-political landscape that it exemplifies. For people like Ms Ersson there is only something to gain from deciding to arbitrarily impose your own personal migration and asylum policy. ‘Let them all stay’ has no moral taint to it, yet for the time being ‘Let the person who shouldn’t be here go home’ still does.

To put it another way, an individual or organisation that took it upon itself to expel illegal migrants who the government had failed to deport might not get the plaudits that Ms Ersson did. Even though such a group would have the law on their side more than Ms Ersson does, I imagine that there would be fewer public figures going on about the ‘bravery’ and ‘inspiration’ of the impromptu deportation brigades, or twittering on about how it all goes to show that even one person can make a difference in this world, etc etc.

As so often, the New York Times is able to sum up this moral equilibrium. For the NYT, Ms Ersson’s action is an ‘Act of defiance’ which (as their headline puts it) ‘Casts harsh light on Europe’s deportation of asylum seekers.’ In fact the harshness and cast of this light depends very much on where you’re looking at the situation from.

Here’s a bet. Even if the 52-year old Afghan migrant who Ms Ersson chose to release back into Sweden turns out to have served time in prison for an assault on some innocent Swedish woman, here are some NYT headlines we will not read:

‘Act of violence highlights breakdown in border security in Sweden’

‘Act of violence raises questions on why failed asylum seekers are allowed to stay in Sweden’
Nor is it likely that if Ms Ersson’s migrant is released back into the community and commits another assault that any responsibility for this will come back onto her.

Though perhaps it should. As it should also come back on Diane Abbott, Caroline Lucas and the headline-writers at papers living and defunct. If they’re up for personal accountability and personal responsibility, then let them take account for the consequences of these apparently cost-free actions. After all, as an average day’s news has again today reminded us, there is a cost to everything. The only real question is who ends up paying for it. You? Or someone else’s children.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yeah, I saw that headline but didn't read the story..

the snowflake sjw should be thrown in jail for interfering with a deportation operation, but that's sweden for ya.
This article is an example of how liberals are destroying the West. I guess they feel good about themselves, but at a terrible price for the rest of us who don't seem to have a say about our demise.
Why didn't they take her off the plane when she failed to comply with the captain's request that all passengers fasten their seat belts?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why didn't they take her off the plane when she failed to comply with the captain's request that all passengers fasten their seat belts? Originally Posted by gnadfly

they did. they took both the idiot sjw and the deportee off the plane.
I'm saying BEFORE they removed the deportee. She obviously bought a ticket only to pull this stunt. If they would have removed and arrested her, then the deportation would have gone on.

Can you imagine trying this on a Southwest Airline flight? They would have pulled the instigator off to protect her safety.
I'm saying BEFORE they removed the deportee. She obviously bought a ticket only to pull this stunt. If they would have removed and arrested her, then the deportation would have gone on.

Can you imagine trying this on a Southwest Airline flight? They would have pulled the instigator off to protect her safety. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They would have needed to pull her off for her safety, absolutely.

I think they have banned Assup on Southwest for attempting to buttfuck all the male flight attendants...they aren't all gay, Assup!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They would have needed to pull her off for her safety, absolutely.

I think they have banned Assup on Southwest for attempting to buttfuck all the male flight attendants...they aren't all gay, Assup!! Originally Posted by friendly fred
No, JL, but YOU are.
Hotrod511's Avatar
No, JL, but YOU are. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


Woman refuses to sit down on flight in effort to stop man's deportation to Afghanistan, dramatic video shows Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Let's hope she gets DINGED like crazy for this stunt..

yeah, I saw that headline but didn't read the story..

the snowflake sjw should be thrown in jail for interfering with a deportation operation, but that's sweden for ya. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

She darn well deserves to be at least charged with the extra COSTS associated with having to re-board him on another flight..

they did. they took both the idiot sjw and the deportee off the plane. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

But why didn't they just remove HER from the flight, leaving the deportee on it??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let's hope she gets DINGED like crazy for this stunt..

She darn well deserves to be at least charged with the extra COSTS associated with having to re-board him on another flight..


But why didn't they just remove HER from the flight, leaving the deportee on it?? Originally Posted by garhkal

one word .. Sweden.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Let's hope she gets DINGED like crazy for this stunt..

She darn well deserves to be at least charged with the extra COSTS associated with having to re-board him on another flight..

But why didn't they just remove HER from the flight, leaving the deportee on it?? Originally Posted by garhkal

prolly afraid of bad PR...

I find it interesting that this sjw had a previous altercation with the law, she was arrested for assault.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Have you been to Sweden, WWE?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Have you been to Sweden, WWE? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

have you been to Clarksville?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Betting she gets raped by one in a week and blames herself