Question For The Day...Enjoy!

love_jones's Avatar
I just had an experience and I am wondering if it ever happened to anybody else. Now this applies to men and women...

I was at a gas station this morning and saw a beautiful woman. This lady was Super Fine. Her hair and nails were done, her attire was well put together and she had on some smell good too. This lady had it going on and she knew it becuase she walked with confidence...and yet I did not approach her to even compliment her. So fella's question...

Have you ever been out and about (it does not matter the place or your status married, engaged or with somebody) and saw a fine (I do mean FINE) woman who has it all together and smell good too? Did you...
A) Stop and Stare/Look
B) Think about all the things you could do to her
C) Approach her (In a respectful way) with a Compliment
D) None of the above/Let her walk on by

Ladies, you are out and about (the place do not matter nor your status married, engaged or with someone) and you see a well put together man and he smell good too. I mean this man fit your expectations of what a man outta look like and smell like...Do you...
A) Stop and Stare/Look
B) Think about all the things you could do to him
C) Approach him with a Compliment
D) None of the above/Let him walk on by

Or if you are/were in this situation do you want to be approached?

I would love to hear yall thoughts...
I am sure everyone has their story but it's funny you post this as I had one yesterday. I was in Kroger, she was 6' with heels, slim, nice small ass,long legs. I took the long way to get my items but alas didn't approach her. Wanted her to just sit on my face for the rest of the afternoon
OldGrump's Avatar
E) All of the above.

She saw me doing "A". She had no idea I was doing "B". She accepted "C" gracefully, smiled and we each went our (separate) ways.

My most common fantasy is "what price to...?". My most common answer is "you can't afford it, dummy. get back to what you were doing".

An advantage to aging is you can admire the pretty ladies and they think you are a harmless old man and aren't afraid you'll hit on them. At least, if you dare try, they already know their answer.

That's why ECCIE is so great. You don't have to go your separate ways until the hour is up. There is nothing to hide (except the time lapse). And you feel uplifted afterwards even if you know it was a business transaction. And what's wrong with that? Doesn't a new toy of your liking make you feel good albeit in a different way?
In my 20's, C, I'd sometimes strike up a conversation, even resulted in a couple of hookups. Now, a little older, a brief look and a smile - usually reciprocated.
I think that is why OG and I get along well. I too, stare, smile, eye fuck, give compliments and let them know I appreciate the effort. I work in an office building with many hot women and I practice my craft daily.

I then take it out on the equally wonderful ladies here so it van never lead to anything at work. I had one friend ruin his life for work sex recently, not worth it.
pmdelites's Avatar
...Have you ever been out and about (it does not matter the place or your status married, engaged or with somebody) and saw a fine (I do mean FINE) woman who has it all together and smell good too? Did you...
A) Stop and Stare/Look
B) Think about all the things you could do to her
C) Approach her (In a respectful way) with a Compliment
D) None of the above/Let her walk on by Originally Posted by love_jones
i just usually look at her w/out staring then just say to myself or out-loud if no one is around ..

mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

central market, whole foods, northpark center, DMA are some of the places i get my RDA of great looking women.

sometimes i think about what we could do together, but not much these days cos i know the odds are way stacked against me...
Iaintliein's Avatar
All of the above at various times. On more than one occasion I've commented on beautiful women to my SO, being a shutterbug is good cover for this (though thin), by pointing out how good she would look in this or that photo genre. 20's. I had hot lesbian wingman (wingchick?) and no one to report to...
Anybody got a lead on a time machine?
214_TX's Avatar
just talk to them and tell them they look good ,you can get lucky or you can get nothing in return , you ain't got nothing to lose
I have always been a flirt even when I was young. I would tell guys you smell nice or you are good looking. It makes a person feel good to be noticed. Some ladies I know that seem to have it all together are more shy and insecure then you would ever know.
pmdelites's Avatar
one thing i read sometime ago, ...

instead of commenting on her hair color/length, legs, body, etc.
comment on her clothing, colors, combos, shoes, etc.
women have some control over their body, but they spend lots more time selecting, coordinating, dressing, etc.

so, comment on their style and not their body. well, at least not initially. :^)

ladies, [if i'm way off base] what kind of comments put a smile on your face?
syeira pink's Avatar
I am very shy in public........yes it's true. So for me to approach a hot guy and compliment them probably would have to involve a 5th of Vodka..........

But on the other hand, I have been told several times, that because of my shyness I come off approachable.......maybe I am stuck up, or think I am better than anyone else.......I CALLED BULLSHIT ON THIS..........I am just extremely shy and keep to myself.

I don't know if my conscience is making me think that when I am out and about that people automatically look at me and think " she is a hooker " because I am looked at by men-women and children. I would love to be able to walk in somewhere and strike up a conversation with someone and have no fear with that.

randall flagg's Avatar
Yes Syeira - you are crazy.

Crazy sexy --- crazy hot --- crazy lovable - crazy skilled.
Will bring you a 5th of vodka next time I visit you, so you can save for when you go out and randomly compliment some guy ... I know it would make his day.
I would do D to the guy hot prospect. LOL. I chose D just to make sure I don't give wrong signal to make him think I'm flirting and want to hook up or something….cause I don't.

Being stared at up and down by men makes me feel uneasy and uncomfortable. It feels creepy. Being looked at is flattering…but not stared at (staring is usually longer than a few seconds). I've been looked at, stared at, followed, a couple of times I was even groped (ugh), given notes, phone numbers…I think it was more flattering when I was younger and needed the attention to boost my self-esteem. But now..I'd rather be left alone really. :-)
Syeira you should not be afraid to approach any man and strike up a conversation.
That would make any man's day/week/month.
I know I would love it, even if you didn't know what to say.
Just say "hi" and I'll take it from there.
I'll be at the Starbucks in the morning!