Married Provider - Risks to the Hobbyist

landon's Avatar
This was recently related to me by a fellow hobbyist (we will call him Jim). We are VIP at a number of Houston strip clubs and happened to be discussing the Hobby at a BBQ / Beer get together. Do you remember the episode where Spock tells Captain Kirk after beaming down - "Jim, quit waving that thing around, thats not a flashlight, its a phaser."

SITUATION: Jim has been seeing a married provider (X stripper, extras girl), A for slighly over three years. Supposedly the husband is unaware of her providing. Jim has been a regular with her for sometime and the arrangement has ben very enjoyable. While he uses condoms, he knows she does hubby bareback (Duh!) but was surprised when he found out she had been off BC about a year (scary) meaning he had been doing her a year with condom only defense against getting her PG. She admitted they were trying to get PG but she believes hubby shoots blanks and she was about to give up on him and go back on BC. Hobbyist found this scary situation as he does not shoot blanks. He was astonished she would have that much faith in condoms! A few weeks after this, A has (suposedly) gone back on BC saying she does not want to get PG. He is still meeting her as he considers her performance superior to many (she has a nice tight one) he as had and as a regular the rate gets generously discounted with POP ranging from $100-$200 averaging $135. He believes she has little or no other clients although there is suspicion a guy who recently showed up a couple of mo ago on her FB page / comments is possibly a new client. As an experienced hobbyist, he has many options (like a QB with many open WR's) from gals off SA, extras club VIP membership, to a past ATF (B) moving back from another state after being gone 3 years who wants to hookup with him and be his mistress. I told him I would be tempted to just go with B with the SA contacts as backups on the roster ("if she is good as A like you say") but that it has to be his call.

Question: If this happened to you as a Hobbyist what would be your reaction / take? Is this a common thing with providers? Would you tell Jim to watch that Penis, its not a flashlight? While the journey of a hobbyist is to explore and go where no-one has gone before, just how how far should he push it?

Hearing all this from Jim was shocking, as I have been mainly dining off SA gals and the VIP room of an extras club. I knew about A and how he considered her tops. Slightly envious of Jim, I have been searching the boards for a quality provider to keep me away from the club game (and the variable performance of itc girls) but on info overload from reading the reviews and alerts about LE and BP ROB's.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I don't understand the problem if "jim" uses condoms with the married barebacking her husband dancer/provider "A". Almost everybody is barebacking somebody.

I do see a problem in "jim" being friends with "A" on her facebook page. The husband is probably on there too and may be a jealous member of the gun carrying club.
ICU 812's Avatar
Why deal with the complexity and possible drama leading to tragedy? There are plenty of options out there from some SC (VIP no less) to shopping around ECCIE for a well reviewed provider—maybe even someone from a SB/SD site (kinda what he has now).

If there is any doubt about a PFP relationship, move-on.
That sounds rather dangerous on a few different levels. I'd move on to other options and walk away from that one. Hell, based on the hubby info alone, that's no bueno.
landon's Avatar
Like Maverick in Top Gun, Jim flys it a bit close. He uses facebook to track a lot of what she does (and her sexy girl friends) and download any sexy pics of her in addition to ones he has taken many of them nudes. Jim had been seeing her 1.5 yr when she got married (almost 2 yr ago). He likes her nice tight one (she was extras girl for 10 yr - go figure) and what she brings to table (size D cups). I have tried to caution him but agree she does not have quite the traffic of a fulltime professional provider which puts him more in the drivers seat in getting discounts.

Yes the Hobby can be dangerous but one is either in the program or not.
pyramider's Avatar
Then when the shit hits the fan, and it will, he will be stupid enough to wonder what happened.