Any one else miss certain things about the 80's?

Bartman1963's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
I'm pretty sure that music is a cover of an older song but damn those ladies are hot and the choreography would make Jamie Lynn Curtis blush.
BobInKC's Avatar
I was hoping this was going to be about 40$ Main Street pick ups and BB everything.
OK, that blonde "instructor" just made me reverse my stance on bangin blonde chicks. I'd bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.

BobInKC's Avatar
OK, that blonde "instructor" just made me reverse my stance on bangin blonde chicks. I'd bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.

yum Originally Posted by MsElena
Between like 1979 and 1983 I did just as well at the gym as anyplace in Westport. There was plenty of talent on display.

Recent song but 80's style aerobics. Originally Posted by Bartman1963

Holy shit...that video was hot...that lucky bastard!

I remember getting laid more often by 20' sumptins and not costing me but maybe dinner and a drink....

ahhhh those were the days
Bartman1963's Avatar
Oh yes. I loved the 80's, big hair, everything. I went through college and only once did a girl ask me to use a condom. Hard to believe it was sooooo looonng ago. (sigh)
bikebryan's Avatar
The only thing I remember fondly about the 80s was some of the music - and even then that music was just fading away of bands that were big in the 70s such as Kansas, Styx, and even Pink Floyd. Other than that, what was their to miss? High interest rates? Bad economy? Keep it, we have that, along with crappy music, now.

If you asking about the 90s, WELL, that would be a different story.
parachute pants
michael jackson jackets
pleather pants
skinny ties
big hair
80's porn
I sort of miss being 30 years younger!
In the 80's, I was a young(er) stud....
In the 80's, I was a young(er) stud.... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Wiz you must be in your 90's by now if you were a stud in the 80's


We all thought we could fuck better, eat pussy better, sing better, dance better, look better...and when we look back we didnt know anything.....

I still dont know nutin!
mojoworkin's Avatar
Wiz you must be in your 90's by now if you were a stud in the 80's


We all thought we could fuck better, eat pussy better, sing better, dance better, look better...and when we look back we didnt know anything.....

I still dont know nutin! Originally Posted by BigDeal
The older I get, the better I was.