Provider Committment!

Is it to much to ask a provider with a reputable reputation to live up to her commitments. I came to KC for business and after emailing over 15x with a provider over the past week she went silent 3 hours before the agreed upon time. She and I emailed around noon today confirming our 430pm appt and then nothing after that. I'm not going to out her on this board, because her previous reviews and her reputation up until today was solid. I am forwarding her this to hear her side of the story, but in my mind this was a crap move.

A little background -

I am not from KC and come here on business 2-3x a year. The provider I have seen in the past moved so I started my search for a new provider a week ago. I emailedc a girl, and she checked my "impecable" references and we agreed to meet today (4/18). we emailed back and forth over the past week and even confirmed our meeting today. She mentioned she had a salon appt at 2pm (I have an email from her to support this) and that our 430pm appt was on. I emailed her again today (4/18) telling her I was in the air travelling to KC and she emailed me back saying "great".

After that - she went silent and no further emails (she wouldnt give out her number and said that her hobby phone -hahah- is usually off). I gave her my cell - but no calls or texts at any point.

I know - you all are saying " go scratch and your're an idiot" - but in my case this is my only enjoymjent outside the house when I travel, so to spend all this time and then get "punked" kind of sucks.

I'm going to copy this post to the provider and hear her side, but as a hobbyist this is bull!!!!
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Dang, sorry man. That sucks! Hopefully, there's a good reason why.
All your actions and expectations sound reasonable to me, I don't know what else you could have done. If you don't get a response, you should certainly let us know who it was. If she didn't want to see you, all she had to do was let you know, sounds like common courtesy to me.
Best bet is to always have a back in mind, i know it sounds like overkill if you have a firm commitment, but shit does and almost always happens. Just my thoughts.
Give the provider an opportunity to respond to your post (usually 24-48 hours) and see if she has an explanation or will do somethuing to make it up to you. If she does not respond, then it would be up to you as to whether you provide the board with her handle. If she's a member of P411, you should advise Gina (the owner) of this provider's name as well. It may have been as simple as her spa appointment ran over time. But it is poor practice that she didn't respond back to provide a reason for her unavailability.
Wakeup's Avatar
We find that down south you get a quicker response from the provider if you just put the name out there now. Whatever the excuse is, it's still a NC/NS. If it turns out she's in traction, it's still a NC/NS.
I used to subscribe to the waiting 24-48 hours philosophy, but have changed my mind after thinking over wakeup's post. By putting the provider's name out there, I believe you will receive a quicker response and explanation.

If she values her business, she will explain what happened and if her story is simply that she didn't feel comfortable meeting you, she's entitled to make that decision and I will support her. And you get an answer.
Bristal's Avatar
I'm going message the mod shortly, regarding this situation to make sure I am following all board rules regarding personal information. I have been debating posting something about this in the Powder Room since yesterday afternoon. This is a situation where I feel I should alert other ladies and probably gentleman too, but I am always hesitant to do so without a serious breach in safety. Any explanation of this situation whatsoever is going to be very close to "outting" the guy.

In closing:
This post is about me.
I do not want to provide any details until I talk to a mod.

There's always 2 sides to every story!
Wakeup's Avatar
Look at the quick response.
As promised, if Bristol had a problem with the guy, I totally trust her judgment and support her decision to not meet the fellow! I know her to be especially sharp and intuitive about these type of things.
I'm going message the mod shortly, regarding this situation to make sure I am following all board rules regarding personal information. I have been debating posting something about this in the Powder Room since yesterday afternoon. This is a situation where I feel I should alert other ladies and probably gentleman too, but I am always hesitant to do so without a serious breach in safety. Any explanation of this situation whatsoever is going to be very close to "outting" the guy.

In closing:
This post is about me.
I do not want to provide any details until I talk to a mod.

Xoxo Originally Posted by Bristol

There is always Provider Buzz if you don't want it on ECCIE . . . ijs. Also, if you're going to consider the PR, you might want to pop it in Infoshare, there are a lot of ladies here that don't meet the membership criteria for the PR yet (I'm not referring to myself, but to those that are newer to the endeavor).

Kisses hun,

- Jackie
I kinda had a feeling about this thread when it started that there was gonna be a lack of verification, made me feel creepy factor...ask me to too many uncomfortable questions issue pop up...

assuming any of those are correct...
Bristal's Avatar

There is always Provider Buzz if you don't want it on ECCIE . . . ijs. Also, if you're going to consider the PR, you might want to pop it in Infoshare, there are a lot of ladies here that don't meet the membership criteria for the PR yet (I'm not referring to myself, but to those that are newer to the endeavor).

Kisses hun,

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Thank you!
boardman's Avatar
As promised, if Bristol had a problem with the guy, I totally trust her judgment and support her decision to not meet the fellow! I know her to be especially sharp and intuitive about these type of things. Originally Posted by scorpio31
Choosing not to meet the guy for whatever reason is fine. Even if it's something that sets off the spidey senses at the last minute.

Just don't make it a NC/NS and you won't get your name up in lights as is happening here. Despite what some hooktards thinck not all publicity is good publicity. This kind of thing never ends well regardless of circumstances.