Jackie Devlin NC/NS

CaptainKaos's Avatar
Just kidding...
Give her 24 hours, Capt... I'm sure she'll respond...
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
I heard she's shacking up with Bristol. J/K.
Stunt Dick's Avatar
Capt: Talk about painting a bullseye on your head... lol
xpetx's Avatar
  • xpetx
  • 04-24-2012, 12:37 PM
i dropped my jaw at header...good one...
Fastcar's Avatar
I put a skid mark on my iPad. I predict you'll be found someday in a landfill.
...I predict you'll be found someday in a landfill. Originally Posted by Fastcar
Or, years from now, there'll be rumors that Capt is buried in the end zone of the New Meadowlands Stadium...
Moved to the Sandbox, primarily because this was an attempt at comedy, but mainly to allow Jackie to respond with a greater freedom of expression.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
Ooooh.... now you're gonna get it....
This is great!
pyramider's Avatar
I love watching a human sacrifice.
I heard she's shacking up with Bristol. J/K. Originally Posted by cuddlyteddybear
Thats below the belt.....LOL
Captain, my Captain:

You're one of the few that "get" it. Thank you for the thread, thank you for the laugh and for being such a gentleman and intuitively knowing just exactly what would make me smile; I will be delighted add some quality time (on my dime) to your next booking when I return.

That was the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. You read my comment (in another thread), got the "joke", and did exactly what I asked - and you had the balls to do it, knowing full well I believe, that I would in turn "get" what you so astutely "got" - and appreciate you for it . . . and I do.

I like a man with the intelligence to make me laugh THAT hard . . . like I said, I owe you.

You're A-OK in my book, baby.

Guys, take a cue (or a lesson if you desire), because the Captain apparently knows the secret to my heart . . . For all of you that thought I would dare carve him up for doing exactly as I asked (jokingly, in another thread, as I mentioned), you really don't KNOW me at all . . . What he did, was, well . . . superlative.

Kudos to you Captain, you truly ARE a gentleman.


- Jackie

PS: I have never NC/NS'ed ANYONE in my entire career . . . I have had "shit happen" at the last minute (just like everyone else has) and I have had to cancel with precious little time left until a scheduled appointment was to begin, but, I have always given notice (as much as possible given every circumstance - it isn't difficult to pick up a phone and just be honest and polite), and I have always gone out of my way to make it right with my client. Always. That's how I run my business; that's a part of what the Captain "gets". And BTW, it doesn't happen often (a last minute cancellation on my part) . . .
Redwolf's Avatar
Wood working?
LOL Redwolf, that too . . . thoughts of sawdust and perspiration seem to work well also . . .