Bentley Jetuan AND Dominique

Let me start by saying that I have enjoyed the company of Bentley Jetuan and Dominique on numerous occasions, separately. I have noticed that they frequently join forces in a duo match up that I think I would thoroughly enjoy. However, they tend to provide this potentially awesome tag-team in an area further and further from me (note an upcoming trip to Rochester - Rochester!?!?).

Has anybody had the pleasure of experiencing these ladies together and care to share the experience with me by PM? My apologies if you have reviewed this duo and, unfortunately, I can not read the ROS - feel free to recount your escapade in a PM to me so I can plan for a future rendezvous at a more convenient location. I realize this post is more suited for the Men's Lounge but, alas, still no Premium Access.

Thanks in advance to any responders.
I have seen both Bentley and Dom and they are both beautiful, built, bright and very nice women. Each one could raise a boner on a corpse and I can't think of a better duo than them.