
Anyone been by 7Tan lately. Wondering what it's like these days. Haven't been in a while.
golfnwine's Avatar
A search might turn up the answer you're looking for.
Went by 7tan not too long ago, there were cop cars outside the place, I turned around and took off, looks like they're being watched, it scared me so be careful..
wingnut88's Avatar
Saw Serena there last time I went. Um, 2 months maybe. She was great. Been meaning to see who's there now.
I stopped in once and the lady I wanted to see was busy so I left. Been back twice and turned around in the parking lot. I don’t like all the people hanging around outside.
Went in July. Saw Cathy. She said this place has been busted a few times and she was heading back to California. Said they get busted every few weeks on Thursdays or Fridays.