Encounter: Saturday at the Flamingo

  • KCJim
  • 07-22-2018, 08:46 AM
Date: July 21
Name: N*****
Phone: n/a
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: n/a
City: Lawrence
State: Kansas
Address: North of the River and East
Activities: VIP Lap dances
Hair Length and Color: Long Black
Age: 30+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tall, slender, long hair (extensions), dresses and dances like she belongs in a high end club. When she enters a room, all eyes are on her.
Recommendation: Yes

staff edit: anonymized stage name. - RS
Me: is N***** Working tonight?
Bartender: no but there is a girl with only 2 asterisk in her name coming in at 7