Vorarephilia - Really?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Or it's referred to as simply "vore".

A special thanks for a Dallas friend who turned me on to this term just recently. Although I'm somewhat familiar (Well, probably not really. If that makes sense!) to the idea of cooking (cannibalizing?) a person.

I've been a fan of Muki's Kitchen for years. http://www.mukiskitchen.com/home.html

However, I'm not sure how this fetish ahh ... plays out in real time.

Anyone have any experience, or thoughts, about this fetish?

Thanks. (And again, thank you for telling me about this term! You know who you are!)

Oh Liz, what a controversial fetish! I have on occasion been known to read these stories... And it is so taboo that it turns me on just because of how extremely naughty it is...

But kind of like forced fantasies, I feel its about the extreme nature and animalistic tendencies.... It's ALL about the fantasy! Having it done to me would be something I wouldn't be interested in(real time scenarios).
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't know, DD. It's one thing to think about a rape fantasy, guilty here, but to think of eating someone else or gnawing on their body parts?

Or ... well crap. I've lost my train of thought.

That's a first. (Not really!)

Ok, let me put it this way because I wasn't clear about my position in the fantasy- I would not be the one doing the eating!
ZedX79's Avatar
Some of that can be called art. Not sure about putting a banana in a butt.
OK, I'll be the first to say it - That is just plain fucking sick! To be honest, I did not look at ALL of the link, but I saw enough to turn my stomach. A picture of a woman in a cooking pot??!! Talk about misogyny!!!

Hey, I am all for "eating" women, but NOT that way!!

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

Pun possibly intended.

What sprang to mind for me was a scene of very rough, animalistic and primal sex with lots of growling and snarling noises, including small nips with the teeth that turn into heavier and heavier biting until before you know it..someone has taken a chunk out of their partner.

Of course, I have just finished reading Glen Duncan's "The Last Werewolf"...so that is probably where that came from.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

Pun possibly intended.

What sprang to mind for me was a scene of very rough, animalistic and primal sex with lots of growling and snarling noises, including small nips with the teeth that turn into heavier and heavier biting until before you know it..someone has taken a chunk out of their partner.

Of course, I have just finished reading Glen Duncan's "The Last Werewolf"...so that is probably where that came from. Originally Posted by Lion26
Love the quote!

Liked the scenario. Sounded hot until I got to the "has taken a chunk our of their partner". Still ... the whole "animalistic and primal sex with lots of growling and snarling noises ..." just sounded erotic.

Did you like the book? (I just love a thread drift and they're alright in this forum!)

Great post!

I did enjoy it very much. I'm trying to find the next book in line but not having much luck.

As for the scene, I had werewolf on the brain and I'd imagine it wuld be easier for them to take a bite out of someone instead of me with normal teeth......although with the right person it is incredibly hot to just let loose and leave bite marks for a reminder the following day.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I did enjoy it very much. I'm trying to find the next book in line but not having much luck.

As for the scene, I had werewolf on the brain and I'd imagine it wuld be easier for them to take a bite out of someone instead of me with normal teeth......although with the right person it is incredibly hot to just let loose and leave bite marks for a reminder the following day. Originally Posted by Lion26
I just ordered a used copy of it from Amazon mainly because I don't read that genre much plus it seems to have a lot of eroticism in it. From my initial understanding by doing a quick search, the books was published in 2011. He has a second one out? Or one in a series?

On a side note, I love for my shoulders to be bitten. And pretty hard, too. It just relaxes the muscles nicely for me. I wonder which other places might benefit from biting?
johnthejohn's Avatar
I've heard of ordering a fur burger, clit soup and a side order of thighs, but Vore is reaching a wee bit...

Now the obligatory sophomoric joke is out of the way...

You know, at first I was a little puckered out on this - but then I thought about it. This is simply an extension of predicament bondage. You know, the dastardly villain laying the tied up damsel in distress on a railroad track while a cartoon steam engine bares down on her...

I take my cooking a little too seriously to make light of it like this, but I do see the appeal. Who among us hasn't spent HOURS applying intricate bondage to our partner and then simply leaned back and enjoyed the beauty of it all?

Those are beautiful women. The position and technique of bondage is very appealing, visually, and they do tell a story (so to speak)

So, what's the harm? It's between consenting adults and nobody gets hurt.
I wouldn't say it has a ton of eroticism...more like a few instances that are fairly descriptive. As car as I can tell there is one book that follows. It's a different take on the werewolf genre.

As for biting, I had a lover who indulged my whims and let me bite down on her ample bosom to varying degrees. Over the following days I was thrilled to see the results when she wore low cut tops and if you knew where to look you could see it start to bruise up.

Yes, sick and depraved I know.....but I liked knowing that that was "my" bruise, "my" mark on her.
This stuff has been around for quite some time. The primary author and illustrator was someone with the pen name of Dolcett. His best known work was "Meredith's Last Interview."
Not sure about the cooking part, but having my ATF tied up, spread eagle and fully on display as the centerpiece across a large dining table, repleat with candle light, now that more my style.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This stuff has been around for quite some time. The primary author and illustrator was someone with the pen name of Dolcett. His best known work was "Meredith's Last Interview." Originally Posted by txcwby6

Had to look that one up. He also did a series of comics?

The little that I read with the link above, it's a bit extreme but interesting. I guess that Meredith Vierra has fans all over the place!